Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Hayden is obsessed with death. OBSESSED. Those of you who know how Hayden's obsessions completely consume her, can truly grasp the definition of 'obsessed' in this case.

She talks about it all day, all evening. Gets up in the middle of the night to talk about it. And I don't have the answers to the questions she has. I've tried to sugar-coat it. I've tried to be blatant. She doesn't understand any of which I'm telling her. Simple or otherwise. She cannot wrap her mind around it. I'm sure that's fueling the fire. Every time I turn around "And just one more question...."

It's making me crazy. C-R-A-Z-Y.

1 comment:

Lori said...

Deep breath in and exhale. Slower Bec.
Truthfully, when I read the title then the word obsession I thought oh no a new one. YOU are my hero Bec, hang in there. She is doing so good these days. Your patience and positive encouragement is definately showing.
Slow deep breath in and slowly exhale.
Love you and our obsessive little Hayden.