"God gives you what you can handle". Really? And how is that determined? I want to know what 'scale' He determines, Rebecca Marquette...you can handle a daughter with special needs, a daughter born with medical discernment, developmental delays and mysterious illnesses over the course of her small life. Rebecca, you are strong enough to watch one childs hair fall out, and another stimulate herself by grinding her knuckles into gravel, or scraping her fingernails against cement because "it feels good".
You, Rebecca, can handle witness a beautiful six year old reach out for her thoughts as they slip through her fingers like fine grain sand, whilst she continues to flap her arms, twitch her eyes and slap her cheeks in the middle of a restaurant because she's aggravated and does not know how to express it. And when your baby wakes up in the morning praising that she "did not puke last night Mommy so her tummy isn't going to hurt today...is it? Say NO Mommy, say NO", you can handle that too.
I'm curious to what the scale is....how He determines how much I can handle....when does it stop?
When does God, fate, kharma, payback, stop. When does it stop? And really, as my thoughts are processed into words, I wonder...how does he determine how much a child can handle?
Please Lord, let us live and not wonder. Let us love and not question. Let us rest and not worry. And while you're giving me what I can handle, throw a little strength my way too.