Hayden is on her very first soccer team this Fall, and she is loving it! The Lightening practice twice a week with games every Saturday. She's learning the basic fundamentals of soccer and making some friends while she's at it!
Each week brings a different experience for her, and for us!
The first week Hayden played her little heart out, it was fun to watch! The second and third week we found her intimidated, overwhelmed, spaced out and a bit lost. Even her coaches asked us at practice if she was still having fun and if everything was okay. They figured she was, but said she seemed so lost. And then I had to miss week 4, but Conal said she did great! She's having so much fun, and I love that! 
Her coaches are very great and have a ton of patience. More than I ever could. We let them know that she's a visual child. They are so supportive of her, and all the kids! 
Before the season started, Hayden mentioned that she wanted number 7. When jerseys arrived, they just randomly handed them out and Hayden ended up with number 7. Lucky!
Go Hayden, Go Lightening!!!
She looks so cute in her uniform!
I'm glad to see her having so much fun..... well and of course all the crazy things the parents learn about each other during practices! lol
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