My sister and I don't get together too often. We both work from home, have kids that go in different directions, plus she has an infant. That being said, we wanted to try to get the kids together over Spring Break once, as they miss each other and often ask for playdates. With some calculated manipulation of the calendar, we marked in a date. Not to be changed unless someone was puking!
We wanted to take the kids...yah, the kids to Smeeks! Smeeks is a candy and novelty toy store located in central Phoenix. We've both read about it on the NieNie Dialogues, and have been awaiting the opportunity to get there! We planned our field trip about two weeks in advanced and hashed up a game plan. We knew the kids would want some treats at Smeeks, so we gave them a list of chores to complete, to earn money for their purchases. Her boys each earned $9, Hayden earned $10 and Taylor earned $2.
They picked us up and we trekked into "the City", as my girls so affectionately call Phoenix.
This is a big deal. It's like we're going on a trip, going to the City! We had a great time at the candy store, Hayden purchased some candy, Taylor purchased a lipstick lollipop, and I revelled in the photo booth pics I took with my girls!
On our way in, we decided to make it an entire NieNie Day and eat at one of NieNie's favorite lunch spots in Mesa...Sweetcakes. It was a beautiful day out, so we ate on the patio, and finished our lunch with some delicious cookies. A trip to the Glitter Box rack rounded out a completely successful, utterly fun NieNie day with my sister and all our kiddos! Sadly, we don't do that stuff too often, but I have to say I think it makes me appreciate the time so much more!

Sounds like a great place. My kids would LOVE it!
Super fun day!! Thanks for hangin' w/ us!!!!
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