Sunday, May 23, 2010

PTO and Dad's Club

Getting involved with the PTO at Hayden's school has been a lot of fun. I'm a true believer in parental involvement. I believe that having our hands in their education and activities, 'makes' the experience. I'd be involved with the girls' schools regardless, but with Hayden having learning challenges, it's even that more important to me to make my presence known. I feel my familiarity with the teachers and staff, and theirs with me, will just benefit her education immensely. Conal didn't quite understand this for awhile. As he said, he "knew I'd be involved, but had no idea at what lengths". We had some long and arduous talks about the girls futures and our place in them. I've always known that I wanted to give back to my kids what my parents gave to me. Love, attention, guidance, strength, confidence and good will. And my girls are at the ages that those calculated maneuvers come into play.
After about 3 days of questions, and solutions, frustration and understanding, we both came to an agreement that we were 100% comfortable with. I was going to opt in for the PTO board in the Vice President position, and he was going to attend a Dad's Club meeting to see if it was something he was interested in getting involved with. The Dad's Club came solely from the other school dads that he's become friends with, peer pressuring him! After his first Dad's Club meeting, he thought he'd go to one more and then take it from there. Well, after 2 meetings, beginning in February, he's gone every month. He's helped with set up and break down of a couple of events, and even managed the kids play station and the Spring bazaar!
We are conscientious about burn, even as involved as I will be, the new President and I have already met and formed new committees and are delegating! We don't want to burn out our second year in school...but as I see it, and I think he is too, we are delighting in the fact that Hayden is having a ball getting to participate in so much, and she loves it that we're around! Gotta take it while we can! Apparently, we've decided to go big or go home! lol.

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