But something's going right! I'm not one for counting my eggs before they've hatched, as I always feel like the other shoe is about to drop. A bit pessimistic, I know. But lately, I find myself at peace. This is a bit of a shocker to me, considering I was weaned off my meds a couple months back!
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Not sure what we're doin'....
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Race #2..a video, and pics from the 1st race!
The 2nd race was at Sanborn. This time, Hayden's cheering section multiplied! Memaw and Papa came (it was Papa's birthday, too!), Auntie, Uncle Bub, Cooper, Cash and Paisley were all there for her along the way cheering loudly!
Phone Call FROM Santa!
We bucked our typical Christmas traditions this year, for something completely different! We all (The Coxes, Winnett's and us) went up to Show Low and spent a long weekend at my parents cabin. What an incredible time we had! The kids made decorations for the tree, we had lots of great meals together, went 'ice fishing' (Papa bought the kids fishing poles!), and just enjoyed celebrating the season with our families and my parents. If Christmas could always be on a Saturday, I think we'd adopt a new tradition...it was that good!
Christmas Caroling
The Moore's host an annual Christmas Caroling party in their end of the neighborhood, that we participated in, along with about 15'ish other families. Taylor had a blast running from house to house trying to ring the doorbells with the other kids. They have a list of sheet music, pre-rehearse and everything! Afterwards, we enjoyed cider, hot chocolate and yummy treats. Good family times!
A few of the families/kids
Monday, February 7, 2011
Tay Tay

Sunday, February 6, 2011
Adventures in.....

Hell No. Uh-Uh. NO WAY!

So if you happen upon me, don't judge, have a soul.

Saturday, February 5, 2011
Guess how much she loves me?
Sweet Hayden rushed my car one day this past week, as I was picking in her in the drive-thru, at school. She could not wait to climb inside and share a moment of her day. (Some days she doesn't talk at all, so this was a lovely surprise!)
She pulled this book out of her backpack and prefaced her conversation with "I know it's babyish, but guess what I thought"? She saw this book in the library and it made her think of me. She told me she stood there and thought how much she loves me and all the times we read this book. "I don't think about you at school sometimes, Mommy, but today I did. And it made me miss you. So I checked out the book from the library so we could read it together".
And that night, I sat in bed with her while she read it to me. For the very first time, while I just listened. If she only knew "to the moon and back" is a mere fraction of the distance of my love for her.