Taylor: "Mommy, I don't wanna grow up to do anything. I just wanna live with you FOREVER and do NOTHING."
Umm...is there a such word for a daytime nightmare??!!
That's Taylor!
I'm still trying to figure out where she came from! She is pig-headed, strong willed, stubborn, defiant, determined.
She's cuddly, affectionate, humorous, bright.
She's very social, outgoing, independant. She's also a Mommy's girl, glued to my hip and lovingly manipulative.
Taylor is our walking contradiction!
She's antsy to go to Kindergarten with "all" her "friends". She's overcome most (if not all) of her food allergies! She still has mystery fevers, just not as often. She's sounding words out and trying to do Hayden's homework with us.
She loves to dance, sing and perform for anyone who'll watch. She's not into much that requires more effort than that! She refuses to wear jeans. Will only wear leggings with or without skirts. She loves accessories and hates her curly hair.
Her favorite color is pink. No blue. Maybe yellow. Or purple. It changes with her mood.
She prefers showers to baths, and finishes with scented lotion. Preferrably vanillas, not florals.
I enjoy our 'four year old' conversations! She's insightful and very attentive. She's got an opinion. About EVERYTHING.
I can't help but think that all of these traits, combined, help her overcome her early childhood developmental delays?!
She's almost 5! Where did the years go?

1 comment:
And she LOVES ribs! She brings joy to our lives! What would we do without her? I love Taylor!!!
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