Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Friday, April 23, 2010
The Six Year Old Dog Whisperer
Hayden has taken quite an interest in 'training' Holly. Hayden is very patient, yet firm with her. It's the only 'person' in the household that Hayden can boss around and doesn't spout back at her or throw tantrums...so they're quite good friends ;)
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Sanborn Golf Tournament, Dinner and Auction
Way before Hayden ever even entered school, I knew I'd be an involved parent. I knew I'd be a member of the PTA...or PTO, as it is at our school. So when Kindergarten rolled around, I went to the first PTO mtg last August. I signed up to help with day-of set up on a few committees that night, but as the year rolled around, I changed my involvement a bit, and ended up on the planning committees. I helped in the execution of the first ever Holiday bazaar, which led me to help plan the Spring bazaar, and I helped with the final planning stages of the 4th annual golf tournament, dinner and auction, as I didn't push my way in until January! It was all a lot of work, but also a lot of fun. I love planning, staging, executing events. It was fun to see how others manage them, but also hard not taking control!
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Still Celebrating
Tay's birthday celebrations spanned a weeks time! Memaw and Papa are now carrying on the traditions that both sets of our grandparents did. Shopping and dinner! I think sleepovers may come when they're older?!
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Special birthDAY at Schnepf
On the morning of Taylor's birthday, Pam, Cash and Paisley met us at Schnepf Farms for a little playdate. I couldn't let a celebration on her actual birthday pass us by, especially since her birthday party was being held a whole week later!

Friday, April 9, 2010
Taylor turns 4!
It is really hard to believe that my baby is four years old. As the cliche goes...I can't figure out where time has gone.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Mini golf with mini people
Conal's vacation overlapped Hayden's Spring break by one day. We wanted to do something fun with the girls, so we decided to try miniature golfing at Golfland. We hadn't been since Hayden was under 3 and Taylor was a newborn. This time was much, much more fun!
We are learning that neither of our girls have a competitive bone in their body. It's a bit sad to me! Conal, well, he doesn't get it...why it makes me sad! lol. He's not competitive, not really driven by the need to win. He doesn't care to put stakes on a game (unless it's for a head rub), and me....it's KILLING ME!!! I don't like to play for fun!

Sunday, April 4, 2010
NieNie Day
My sister and I don't get together too often. We both work from home, have kids that go in different directions, plus she has an infant. That being said, we wanted to try to get the kids together over Spring Break once, as they miss each other and often ask for playdates. With some calculated manipulation of the calendar, we marked in a date. Not to be changed unless someone was puking!
Kindergarten Spring Party
While Conal was on vacation, Hayden's class had their Spring (Easter) party. He helped in the classroom that day! Actually, the whole family did. Tay kinda thinks she's the class mascot, as she's in there a lot with me, and Hayden was THRILLED that her daddy came. It was also worldwide Austism Awareness day, so notice the blue we're sportin'!
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Cathy's 75th Birthday!
My mother-in-law turned 75 years old in March. Meghan flew in for the celebration. Or, celebrations, maybe I should say! I think Nana had fun, but was a bit burned out from party, after party for a whole weekend! Needless to say, it was a fun few days!