The girls in my mom's traditional homemade Christmas dresses.

On Christmas night, we went to the Cave Creek Marquette's for dinner with them and the Krysnki's. It was a lovely evening. The girls had so much fun playing together, and it was so nice to be relaxed and casual and just enjoy the holiday!
Holly woke us up early on Christmas morning. I told Conal "shhh, maybe the girls didn't hear her and we can go back to sleep". Fat chance!
Hayden wrote her very first letter to Santa this year! She has drawn him pictures in the past, with a bunch of jumble, but this year, she wrote a letter. It's still pretty jumbly, but she did it with no help, I might add! Her teacher encourages the parents to not correct the kids when they're writing/spelling. They are learning their phonics and her point is that there are plenty of years ahead to perfect spelling. So she sounded the whole thing out.
On December 23rd, Holly (formerly known as Ellie) came to her new forever home. Even though Conal PROMISED me that we would not get another dog until after Daphne (whose over 14 years old) passes.....Well, we all know Conal can't hold to a promise like that!
How many times have YOU seen Frosty the Snowman this season? Hayden says they've "only watched it 47 times". I say it's more like 147...and where she came up with that number, God only knows!
Each year there seems to be a movie that they latch on to and watch over and over. For Hayden's first three years of life it was ELF. Well, that was actually year 'round. And then the Shrek Christmas movie came out. Last year they were really into the Polar Express. Quite honestly, I can handle those moviees. They don't drive me crazy and I actually can watch them over and over with the girls. But Frost the Snowman. OUCH! My head, nerves and eardrums have been aching lately.
Gingerbread houses, also known as Gingy's (thanks to Shrek) are now a rite of the Holidays in our house. They still eat more than they decorate...but who can blame them?! Cookies, icing and lots of candy...my girls can always use a little more sugar! HA.
Back in JULY, I bought tickets for Conal's birthday in SEPTEMBER to go and see BB King in NOVEMBER! I know, a little drawn out. However...every time BB King comes to town, Con makes mention how he'd love to see him before "it's too late".
I recently set up Skype so that Aunt Meghan could have a video chat with the girls. Yesterday we made our first call. I had so much fun watching them laughing at themselves and Meghan on the screen! They got to meet her puppy Carly and also got to peek in on Uncle Chico for a quick sec!
On Monday night, in the pouring rain, we went to the lot and picked out a Christmas tree! Quite honestly, I think it's the first time it's really, truly felt like the Christmas season to me since I've lived here. Number one, we haven't had a real tree in 8 years, and number 2, it's rarely cold and rainy in December. So, FOR ONCE..it reminded me of the many years growing up and going to cut down our tree at the tree farm in the pouring rain right after my birthday.
Taylor was so excited, she couldn't contain herself and fell asleep in the truck on the way over. We tried to wake her, but she wasn't having it. So, it was up to me and Hayden to find the perfect tree. And that we did!
Isn't she a beaut?
When the girls got done with it. Before I undid and redecorated it!