Hayden's friend Hannah had a birthday part last weekend to celebrate turning 5 years old. The party, was a first of it's kind for us. It started at Starbuck's and ended next door at Rubio's. Crazy, I know! Hannah and Hayden have been in class together since Hayden started at St. Tim's last year. They are very good little friends and get along great!
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Hayden and Hannah
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Monday, March 16, 2009
Lucky Me!
I AM the luckiest girl in the world. Alright, okay, in my eyes, at least! Even though he was in a strange kinda cranky mood on Saturday, and was getting aggravated today trying to figure out how to loop some wire around our backyard perimeter. Even though he didn't let me sleep in this morning, like he usually does on Sundays (his sleep-in day is Saturday!), because the kids were annoying him too! Even though he made me run out to get lunch today because he didn't want to get off the couch, and take his eyeLIDS off of golf, and even though he snores louder than a freight train.....I AM A LUCKY GIRL!
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Maycie, the Escape Dog
Maycie wasn't kidding when she said she was going to go "Ninja-stealth-style" on me if I didn't keep the camera out of her face! We adopted her from Maricopa County on Sunday March 1st. She's a really sweet dog. She caught Conal's eye on our way out. We were just looking, but didn't have intentions of really finding a dog for us there. It's a kill shelter, so once he had 'the feeling', we just couldn't leave her behind. She had been there since February 10th, and was an owner surrender. She's trained and chipped, and has lots of love to give. She's been great around the kids and is getting along really well with Daphne now. We had a short span of Maycie trying to prove dominance, but that ended pretty quickly.
Anyhow, Maycie has a very disturbing talent. She jumps over fences and cinder block walls. She's gotten out 4 times in the course of seven days. She was out one day for over four hours. Conal saw the one and only sign that was posted, a few blocks away, and called on it. We were able to pick her up, and have since been trying to figure out what to do to keep her here. When she hears a noise, she takes off after it. It's scary because we live right by a busy road. She runs in the middle of the road and also criss-crosses it, which is even more disconcerting. I would hate to see something terrible happen to Maycie. She's such a kind dog, but doesn't like to stay put.
McCormick-Stillman Railroad Park
We met Kelly and Tom for a picnic lunch at the park on Saturday, February 28th. We don't see them too often, so when we get together, the girls have a lot of catching up to do with them! Kelly brought some bubbles for the girls to spill, ehh, I mean play with, and she pulled them around in their wagon for quite some time!
Maycie, A Photo Essay
School Field Day
On Friday, February 27th, I volunteered to help at Hayden's school Field Day. I helped last year and had a lot of fun, so I couldn't wait for it to roll around this year!
Appointment with CUSD regarding Taylor
Two days later, on February 27th, I had my appointment with a different district Psychologist and another district professional who evaluated Taylor for Priority Preschool. Taylor turns three in a few weeks, and when that happens, you are released from AzEIP (early intervention), and then turned over to another department, if you qualify.
I've been under the mindset that Taylor won't qualify for further services, but am rolling with the punches and doing what I am supposed to. I don't want anything to be overlooked on my end, nor do I want to deny her the help she should get, should she need it!
I do not have the concluded report yet, I will get that by April 3rd, however, the Psych. wanted to give me a heads up that she doesn't think she's going to qualify! I assured her that, to us, that is GREAT NEWS!! The only hang up right now is in regards to her speech. She has been recommended for ongoing speech therapy. Her language and verbal skills are very good and she passes the scores there, her intelligibility is a bit week, and sits right on the fence. So, once they grade her, we'll know what our next step is, and if they will qualify her for speech or not.
Taylor has come so far, and we are so incredibly grateful to so many different people along the way!
So, all in all, the fact that she MAY NOT qualify for services, is music to our ears! That means that all of that extra hard work really did pay off and her physical developmental delays have been overcome! However, if she does need a bit more extra help, you can bet that this mommy is all over that!
Appointment with CUSD regarding Hayden
On February 25th, I had my appoitment with a CUSD district psychologist, the head of the Special Education program, a Special Education teacher and a Speech therapist, from the neighborhood school that Hayden may go to.
FOR ONCE, my appointment was very enlightening and concluded with a plan and direction! They didn't ask me to, but I sent each of them a copy of Hayden's evaluations and diagnosis' prior to meeting with them so that they could review and they could ask me questions that they noted, rather than them asking me questions in the meeting and then eventually reading the answers when reviewing. So, it was nice to sit down and talk about what they know by seeing her on paper, and for them to already have a game plan in tow when I walked in! Their plan first off is to observe her at St. Tim's, in her educational environment where she is comfortable. They are figuring out her placement. They are also going to conduct some tests (I can't remember what kind, other than an IQ )there, and then update her speech eval. This will help determine placement for school next year. She still continues to fall along the lines as a candidate for the LEP program. (High functioning austism class offered at select schools in the district). However, she will need to qualify, so that's what they're currently working on.
School starts on July 23rd, and as I constantly feel backed into a corner, like I'm running out of time, the women I met with were so kind. They assured me that I am ahead of the game compared to many parents/students. That made me feel really good. I'm notoriously a worry wart, and I have to constantly remind myself that I cannot stress about what I have no control over. Since my meeting that day, I feel like a weight has been lifted. Although we don't know what's going to happen yet, the ball is rolling and progress is being made! I still have her enrolled at three schools and figured I can take my sweet little time, all the way until the day prior, if I want to!
I will have the results in hand within 60 days of that appointment, and we can then make her IEP. So I'll expect to receive something in the mail between days 57 to 60! haha ;)
Saturday, March 14, 2009
ThePolkaDotChair, a Fabulous Find!
In the midst of my boredom this evening, I hopped on the computer with high hopes of updating my blog. Even though I last posted on 3/03, I am further behind than that! I just can't get motivated lately. Chalk it up to Spring fever. The weather has been so beautiful that I've tried to spend little time on the computer, when it doesn't consist of work! So, eventually, sometime..hopefully soon, I will get my blog up to date. Not for anyone really, other than my own personal record. So much has happened and I need it documented!
Seriously digressing! Again, in the midst of my boredom this evening, I logged onto blogger. My blogstalking adventures lead me to this FABULOUS link! I am thrilled, to expand my repretoir of crafty websites. I have huge ambition to edge that creative flair any day now. While the thought sounds great and I have most of the stuff I need to get me going...in whichever direction I'd like...the mess sounds, well, messy. I don't feel like cleaning up after dragging stuff out. Whether it be hairbows, or sewing, papercrafts or even working on my blog blook. Meh...it's more fun to browse at other peoples creativity and dream about all the things I'd love to be doing! I know a lot of you girls are sewing and freshening up your house with some new projects and ideas. So take at look at what this clever girl's got going!
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Simple Things That Made Me Happy, Last Week
* Laying in bed with Hayden, rubbing her hair and talking about Heaven
* Going to Drag Queen Bingo, and actually winning a round. What a hoot!
* Registering Hayden for Kindergarten
* Getting to work at a Spring Training game
* Early morning snuggles with Tay (although I could do WITHOUT the EARLY!!)
* Volunteering at Hayden's school for Field Day
* A super duper hug from Cooper, thanking me for making him Mac-n-Cheese for lunch
* Watching Taylor twirl in the backyard in layers of dress up clothes and loads of jewelry
* That my mother in law lives close and is willing to help watch the girls when we need a backup
* Accompanying the girls on the Carousel at the railroad park and watching their thrill
* That Conal went to Wal Mart at 9:00 Saturday night to buy a $43 replacement Sony DVD player so we could watch our rented movie together
* Sunday Door Buster sale for kids on Summer clothes at Old Navy
* That Conal found the newest member of our family, Maycie, and she seems to be a perfect fit!