Monday, March 16, 2009

Lucky Me!

I AM the luckiest girl in the world. Alright, okay, in my eyes, at least! Even though he was in a strange kinda cranky mood on Saturday, and was getting aggravated today trying to figure out how to loop some wire around our backyard perimeter. Even though he didn't let me sleep in this morning, like he usually does on Sundays (his sleep-in day is Saturday!), because the kids were annoying him too! Even though he made me run out to get lunch today because he didn't want to get off the couch, and take his eyeLIDS off of golf, and even though he snores louder than a freight train.....I AM A LUCKY GIRL!

I am lucky because he loves me so much! He puts up with all of my faults and neurosis'. He puts up with my hair that falls out in wads. He insists I not get on the furniture ("pet's aren't allowed!), but doesn't swat me with the paper when I do, because of the shedding! He cleans the kitchen and runs the vacuum at night before he goes to bed when I'm at work so that I may wake up to a clean living space the following morning. He will not start the dryer without making sure that there is not something of mine in there that will shrink. He will let it mildew instead! He will put up with my incessant foot scratching during all hours of the night during the months of December through February-ish, and he doesn't care that I don't pass the pencil test!
We laugh so hard together. We crack each other up with our inside jokes and quirkiness. We have a lot of fun. We don't celebrate Valentine's day, so maybe this is my belated love note to him? I don't know! I was just sitting in peace, paying some bills on the computer, listening to him breathe very loudly all the way from our bedroom, and just really thinking how lucky I am!

I feel that we are our best when we're together. I miss him when we're apart and look forward to that exact time of the day when he walks through the door. Well, beside the first question out of his mouth "What's for din-din"? I can do without that!

I love his cologne and the way he looks in a brand new navy blue t-shirt. I love it when he suggests that we need a little sweet treat. I love when he crawls into the floor and gives the girls free reign to treat him as a trampoline, balance beam and ferris wheel. He's an amazing Daddy!
He's turned me into a willing homebody. Something I would've never imagined I'd be. I've realized that I really don't need covers when I sleep, nor do I need toenails after a night of dancing. I definately love sharing my razor with him, and my deodorant too!

He's the best friend I could've ever asked for! He works so hard for us, he's proven that he'll stop at nothing to take care of his family. We have such a unique relationship. We are complete opposites yet read each other's souls. I feel so fortunate that today I love him more than yesterday, and tomorrow I'll love him even more than today!


Watson Family said...

That was such a sweet post! You two are such a cute couple, you can tell you have fun together.

harbfam00 said...

You ARE lucky!!! I just hope someday that I am able to say such nice things about a man.

Kristy said...

You are very lucky and so is Conal! You two make a great couple and I hope someday I can say such sweet things about a guy for myself. I love you guys lots!