Tay's about to turn 4 in just a few weeks. That meant that her IEP was due at her developmental preschool. I was pretty convinced that she wouldn't be approved for the program any longer, but wasn't quite sure if they'd keep her through her birthday, the end of the year, or what. The week before her IEP the school psych. told me that they would be releasing her on the last day before Spring break. That was music to my ears!!
On March 12, the last day before Spring break, I met with her teacher and the therapists at Erie school and we all signed off on Taylor's release from the developmental education program.
Taylor has done so well and is now mainstreamed! Her vocabulary, vocalization and socialization have exceeded far beyond the expectations and goals that were set for her a year ago. In fact, all of her educators and support staff involved recommended that I get her into a program or class that will allow her to express herself. They think a quiet dance class is too docile for her. She's been around quiet kids for awhile and they'd suggest I enroll her somewhere where talking, singing, and noise in encouraged. So, I did just that! I enrolled her in the summer Broadway Kids camp at the Chandler Center for the Arts. It's a bit pricey, but she's never done anything fun like that. By this age Hayden had participated in dance, gymnastics and soccer...now it's Tay's turn!
We also left her school that day after her IEP meeting, and went over to St. Tim's. I had spoken to Monica the week prior about enrolling her for next Fall. When we went in on Friday, Miss Terri took Tay into music class with the rest of the kids. Taylor had a ball! Miss Mary has a small class right now, only 6 kids in the afternoons, so they invited her to attend for the rest of the year. I'm not sending her until the week after Easter when they resume their schedule. I wanted her home while Hayden is off on Spring Break. Taylor is really excited to go to the "big kids school where Haynen went". She will only go for the remaining six weeks left in the school year, but will return in August.
Taylor is doing really well, it does my heart so good!
The social butterfly with Emme, Reagan and Jackson

Yeah for Tay! That is so AWESOME! That summer camp sounds so cool, I bet she will love it!
That's great news! "Broadway Kids Camp" that sounds right up her alley!!
It's music to my ears...hopefully literally as soon as Broadway Kids camp is over!
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