We spent the entire day Sunday with Amber and Jackson. We went to see CARS 2 in a huuuuge theater and then spent the day out at Shoosh's playing in the grass. Amber taught Taylor how to bat, and pitched several games to the kids, while I lazed in the grass. Then Taylor got a hold of my camera and took many, many candids! We ended the day at Salsa's with Shoosh, Amber, Jackson, Kacey and Mikinah. Nice to catch up with family!My kids were OBSESSED with the "all the green" that there is in Ag-land. They cannot get over how everything is so green. They loved it. In fact, since we've been back, if we pass an area out here with picket fences or lots of greenery they reference how much it looks like California! haha.
2 years ago
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