Congratulations Bubba! You're going to make the best fire fighter Arizona has to offer. We're so proud of you and happy to see your dreams come true!
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Arizona's Bravest
Dance your cares away (clap, clap)
I'm not quite sure who had more fun at the AZ Museum for and Pam, or the kids! Jim Henson's original puppets are on display from the Smithsonian collection. Talk about cool! I know I could've spent a couple of hours in there looking at his sketches and watching the old original Kermit the Frog shows from the
60's that they had
playing on tv's. They had the original Kermit the Frog under glass along with some Fraggle's (you know you remember the Fraggle Rock --you probably even remember the theme song!), Rowlf (from the Muppetts), and the original Bert and Ernie in addition to others. The kids, though, were way into the interactive puppets. That's right, they had real Elmo, Ernie and Cookie monster puppets in addition to some smaller Sesame Street hand puppets and a wonderful puppet theater. Hayden and Cooper had fun putting on a puppet show, and of course, Tay and Cash totally thought they were performing too. Talk about a great experience! Lots to do and see and so much to feel! They had three replicas of Jim Hensen's idea boards...just a big felt circle-ish shape with felt shapes (eyes, ears, nose, mustaches, etc) and velcro that attaches to the board. Amazing that that's how he got his ideas for new puppets. The kids
had a blast making silly faces on those boards. At the end of our day, we ended up in a playroom where they got to play together and use their creative little imaginations! There was something for everyone in that room!
The girls and I try and make time to go to the museum a few times a year, it was fun having the Cox' join us this time! It was nice to spend time with my sister and her boys. We're both so busy and going our own ways lately that we have a hard time getting together often, so this was definately a nice treat!
Monday, January 28, 2008
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Watchers of the Weight
Oh we're watchin' alright. Watching ourselves get bigger....and bigger....and bigger. But by God, we're HAPPY! Does that count?

Saturday, January 19, 2008
Cloud in the sky
Taylor can sit down at the picnic table for an hour and draw. She's not quite two yet, but she sure loves to draw, or put puzzles together or bead. With the help of her OT (Dina) this passed holiday time she beaded us an ornament. I have since got an old package of beads out and I let her bask in her own creativity. She doesn't want to be helped or watched closely. She likes to be left alone while she colors or strings her beads. Sometimes she'll hum or question "whas dat? whas dat?" or even mimick the noises in the neighborhood while she's so concentrated on the task at hand. Taylor is a very determined little girl, she has a strong spirit, much to the point of my frustration. Dina says strong spirits creates self-confidence, leadership, perseverance. I think she's right. I watch Taylor in pure amazement, she has come so far in her 21 months of life. To think that one year ago she was just finding the strength to start sitting up, and now she's running, trying to climb, and even playing with sand. Taylor has forced me to focus more on the little things we take for granted each day. She's a complex, strong and assertive baby. I get that ache, that painful yearn to hold her and hug her and keep her my baby. I want to capture the
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Bunny Talk
Imagine talking in the back of your throat, not using your nose (almost like you're plugging it) and making a half "I just ate a sour pickle" face. Then jolt about 4 octaves higher then your regular voice, that's Bunny Talk.
You all know the bunny I'm talking about. The one nicknamed "Bun". She was pink and fluffy (but flat), a Carter's toy. You know the ones your kids become so attached to that they decide to discontinue production of them every six months. The ones that you scour website after website, call Carter's 800 number, their long distance number, they tell you to try some warehouse in South Carolina, and....ya do! Finally, you resort to ebay. Good ol' ebay, where you spend many hours over the next 18 months of your life scouring the 'discontinued lovey' links. To one day find it, and get in the craziest bidding war of your life with two other desperate mommies who need this lovey just as bad! Then, you win (because you'll do whatever it takes to win for your kids!), you pay about $28 for the nice $9 toy.....all in the name of saving your own sanity because, just because, what if she loses it, we need a backup! She's been in the Atlantic, the Pacific, the Caribbean and even an underground river in the Yucatan in Mexico. Okay, you get the point...that bunny.
Hayden's attachment is super strong. She thinks bunny is her second sister. Yes, that would make Taylor her third. Bunny eats cereal, gets cold, she even makes toots, and apparently laundry soap gives her reflux.
Well, Bun talks. And Bunny talks and talks and talks and doesn't stop!! She's driving me nuts! She backtalks, she cries, she screams, she asks "why?" all the time, she snorts and burps. She has tantrums if you give her the wrong salad dressing, if her carrots are whole instead of baby ones, if Chloe kisses her, or if the bathwater is too hot. She cries every day and sings a "Comeback Hayden" song when we leave her at home to run errands or go to school. Bunny is giving me a headache. Yet, I tried telling my 4 year old that today and she had the nerve to tell me that I give Bun a headache too, and could I please be quiet and leave the room so Bun's head could feel better. Then, of course, she asked for Motrin.
Hayden gets timeouts over bunny talk. Bunny talk seems to get her wound up, hyper, she will bounce of the walls for hours. (I know she does that anyway), however bunny talk seems to really get the best of her lately. Is it time to take the bunny away? We go in spurts during the daytime, and when we see the attachment getting to strong, we'll pull it from her until bedtime. Is this just an imaginative child having fun with her "imaginary" friend....or is it time to pull the plug? I don't know, I guess, for my own sanity (of course), I'll let her keep Bun until she's 5!
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Here I Am!
Never say NEVER!! She thinks it would be a good "outlet" for me. I've got a lot going on in my life. Some of my friends and immediate family know about, and the others.....they don't. So, on here you will read of my grief, my love, my frustrations, the highlights of our lives and more importantly you will read what special, wonderful children I have. Struggles, labels (or non), developmental delays and all! Please feel free to check often, and leave me a comment. A joke, words of wisdom or a happy hour invite! I accept it all :)