Saturday, January 19, 2008

Cloud in the sky

I love to watch Taylor when she's not looking. I feel like I'm staring down on her from a tiny cloud in the sky. I love to watch her delight, her intrigue, her wonder and frustrations. To watch her overcoming her struggles like they were only these tiny little hurdles that she just had to learn to step over, reminds me that I have so much to enjoy.
Taylor can sit down at the picnic table for an hour and draw. She's not quite two yet, but she sure loves to draw, or put puzzles together or bead. With the help of her OT (Dina) this passed holiday time she beaded us an ornament. I have since got an old package of beads out and I let her bask in her own creativity. She doesn't want to be helped or watched closely. She likes to be left alone while she colors or strings her beads. Sometimes she'll hum or question "whas dat? whas dat?" or even mimick the noises in the neighborhood while she's so concentrated on the task at hand. Taylor is a very determined little girl, she has a strong spirit, much to the point of my frustration. Dina says strong spirits creates self-confidence, leadership, perseverance. I think she's right. I watch Taylor in pure amazement, she has come so far in her 21 months of life. To think that one year ago she was just finding the strength to start sitting up, and now she's running, trying to climb, and even playing with sand. Taylor has forced me to focus more on the little things we take for granted each day. She's a complex, strong and assertive baby. I get that ache, that painful yearn to hold her and hug her and keep her my baby. I want to capture the moment and savor it forever. I never interrupt her though, she's best figuring it out on her own while I watch her from what feels like my tiny cloud in the sky.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Taylor is our bright star. They don't come happier or more positive than Taylor. She is one VERY special little girl. I love her!!!