Oh we're watchin' alright. Watching ourselves get bigger....and bigger....and bigger. But by God, we're HAPPY! Does that count?
So, Conal and I started WW this week. What a royal pain in the butt. We went grocery shopping on Sunday so that we were completely prepared for what the week had in store for us. We did it together and I think we probably drove every single person that passed us down the aisle, absolutely nuts. Well, we drove me nuts at least (doesn't take much lately, I'm on the verge!). We were reading the fiber v calories v fat grams. I was gripin' on the price, the lack of flavor and the fact that Coke (my biggest addiction) is so darn fattening.
By the third aisle in I'm completely annoyed. Why does it cost so much to eat healthy? I don't get it. And really, I'm not talking about the 100 calorie packs, I know that's all a marketing ploy. Same food, smaller portion, cute package, you look cool! I'm talking no trans fats = pricey, organic = pricey, whole grain = pricey, Snickers = CHEAP!! So then I was going through my "points finder" and trying to figure out how many Snickers I could eat a day for 22 points! I really think girl could live on Snickers alone, with Coke of course! If I remember right, I could have 4 Snickers and 3 Cokes....that's breakfast, lunch, dinner AND dessert<--Bonus!!
I know, defeats the purpose. So, anyhow, we bought groceries. You know oatmeal, granola, fruit, fat free waffles for breakfast. Bread, meat and soups for lunch and chicken and veggies for dinner. For some reason when I think dieting (or excuse me, Weight Watchers) not dieting, just changing my lifestyle one bite at a time, I think chicken and veggies. I think I get that from my mom. About 15 years ago when she was dieting we ate chicken, rice and veggies every night (or so it felt like), and to this day, my dad and I have the hardest time downing chicken, rice and veggies. So, why is it that I'm so inclined to think that's the only thing we can eat when we're trying to be healthy? Back to the point. We got stuff for all meals of the day. And by today, Wednesday, we're out of bread, oatmeal, fruit, yogurt, granola bars etc, etc. So, not only do they sock it to ya on your initial purchase, but good lord, you have to hit the supermarket every 3 days!
I don't know how long this will last (good attitude, right?), seems like every January I'm destined to be at Weight Watchers. However, this is the first time Conal really seems to be on board. So, for now, I'll keep watching the weight, I'll stay away from the Snickers and Coke and I'll keep on keepin' with my chicken and veggies. Oh hey, Margaritas are 0 points, right?!

Hi Becca,
I love your blog! It looks great, love the pics and music. Where do you find the time??
Good luck with WW, I need to get on board too. After I tally up my points wine I might not have room for food ;)
I'm still stuck on chicken, rice (brown rice now) and veggies. But thats what I LOVE!!!
Oh and yes, happy does count. But, of course I love you no matter what!
Ok so I was snooping and found your blog on Pams. I so need to get back into WW. I tried when Grayson was younger and well didn't get far. Good luck to you both. I'm sure you will be successful! Maybe you will reinspire me. I just love food!
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