Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Hayden's Kindergarten IEP

Last Wednesday was finally the appointment to make Hayden's IEP. I have to say, the Chandler MET team that has been with me each step of the way, since I was put into the hands of the Lead, has been amazing.
I really cannot believe how attentive, concerned and interested they are in the well being of the children. I know that's their job, but they are so engaging and helpful and that's what I've needed.
After a year (on and off) and two months straight, of getting the run around when trying to nail someone down, in search of help for Hayden....I fell into the hands of someone, by word of mouth, who gave me the phone number to the woman who gets things done. And that she did!

I met with them back in February with Hayden's diagnosis' and additional evals in hand. They interviewed me to get her history from my point of view before meeting with her. At that meeting, they set up a series of evaluations in the months to come. They visited her at St. Tim's and observed her in her comfortable school environment. She spent a day with the school psyschologist and a couple of days with the speech and language pathologist. I found out last week in my IEP meeting that Hayden spent about a half hour in a kindergarten class, observing. She also took a tour of the school and spent some time in the Library. She's undergone a lot of testing on many different levels. And the results brought tears, of course, but also a PLAN!!

They too, agree that Hayden is a child with Autism and SLI. She does not qualify at the present time for the LEP program. That is for high functioning Autism and Aspergers. Even though Hayden may seem high functioning to all of us, she tests intellectually and socially along the lines of moderate. She qualifies for the full time Special Education class, however, they are advising at this time, to not enroll her there. They see a lot of potential in Hayden and they believe that with intensive therapy and extra guidance, they can pull that potential out of her and she can actually thrive, mainstreamed. Conal and I both agree.
So, Hayden is going to be in a mainstream Kindy class with extra help on a daily basis. There will be a Special Ed teacher assigned to her classroom, she works with the kids have disabilities. Hayden will have the teacher (we met her last Weds. and she's soooo nice!) "M" for about 4 hours each day, by her side, helping her with her class work, in addition to the teacher of the class. During that four hours, she may be pulled from class if she's struggling and the classroom gets too overwhelming. She will also be pulled for an hour a day of socialization integration therapy and 30 minutes a day of speech therapy. The aide is an actual credentialed teacher that specializes in Special Ed. They have 3 of them on campus in addition to the non-credentialed aides that work in the SE class. "M" came to the table with a plan and some AWESOME ideas to help Hayden! They're going to have sight charts for her and will pull her out for any testing that needs to be done so they can help to explain things different. Hayden's auditory processing deficiancy is really playing a part in her listening, interpreting and comprehending of basic questions, stories or conversations. They also have a plan in place for the kids who have sensory issues, when it comes to Fire Drills. We already know that those rock her world, and when they asked me about it...I was so impressed that that was even a question. Seriously, they covered some of the smallest things that I know about my daughter, but didn't know anybody else might. It goes to show how often they work with children with varying degrees of Autism, and how they've adapted such programs to help them in the smallest and largest ways. There will likely be other kids in her class or the other Kindy classes that are within the Spectrum, so they too, depending on their IEP's, will be incorporated into the same type of program and therapy sessions as Hayden. I'm really eager to meet other parents at her school (that live near us) that go through a similar type of life that we do!

It's so nice to see her education plan laid out in front of us. To see their dedication and determination in helping her succeed and strive to be the best that she can, is a relief! She will be under constant evaluation. And at the winter break in December, if she's not thriving and finding an ease in her environment, then they will revaluate her placement and move her.

Until then, we are very comfortable and pleased with all they have done and are continuing to help us do. Hayden and I are invited to have lunch in the cafeteria a few times before school is out to introduce her to that environment before she starts school. We're also invited to visit the school library as often as we'd like! She is also attending Speech Therapy at the school every Weds. at 9:00am with a small group of Kindy's until the school year is over.

She is excited beyond words, and my wildest imagination, to start Kindergarten. She will tell you all about it, if you ask her! She was wanting to go to "this" school forever! She is growing up so fast...and even though it's not the life we had mapped out in our heads for her....it's going to be an absolutely amazing one! Our map has a big detour in the middle...but this detour is going to be the ride of all of our lives. I'm really hopeful, anxious and inspired to start the next phase. WE (both Conal and I) feel so LUCKY and so BLESSED that GOD chose US to be her parents. I'm sure we'll make the typical mistakes along the way...but I feel so honored that He decided that we would be the perfect parents for this amazing little girl, who is going to face a lifetime of challenges.

Wow...I keep talking about my denial, but I think it's finally over! *sigh*

**I kept the names of the MET team and the school private for obvious reasons. My blog is public and I don't want that type of information published.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Tay's 1st Day of School

Armed with her new Minnie Mouse and Daisy "packpack", Taylor marched herself into her classroom on April 14th for her first day of preschool!

We found out about a week and a half prior, that she'd be starting, as soon as she turned 3...and going for three days a week. That gave us time, but not too much, to really talk to her and prepare her.
She was very excited for school to start. Such a big girl! We told her we would not be staying with her...but the reality didn't really set in until we turned around the leave the classroom. Then the marching turned into a backstep. Then a whimper, then a cry.
Conal had the day off, so the drop off and pick up was a family affair. She was obviously confused, and very sad that her whole world was leaving her behind in this stuffy, albeit colorful classroom.
The good news is...her progress report for her first day was that she was "Shy for the first 20 minutes. Then opened up during circle time and had fun singing and knows great signs". So, I consider that success!
The second day she cried when we pulled into the parking lot, was very tired and never really warmed up. And the third day when she walked into the room reluctantly, she had a subsitute teacher who was really nice! One of the teacher's aides (there are 2 of them) told Taylor that this is day 3, stop crying and go sit in her chair. Ouch! Hayden tattled on the aide, telling me she was yelling at Tay, I just considered it Tough Love....for my own well being ;) Upon pick up, I chatted with the sub for about 25 minutes, she loved Taylor and said she did really well!
I'd say little Tay did really well on her first week. She did not have her speech therapy at all last week, it's supposed to be on Wednesdays, so maybe she'll have it this week. It's a big adjustment. She was extremely cranky Friday and Saturday, but was back to herself on Sunday. I think she was really tired and a bit out of sorts! She wasn't thrilled to go back today, but I'm sure she's having fun and doing just fine!

Easter Sunday

The girls and I went to my parents house for Easter. My mom hid eggs and the kids hunted them a couple of times over! The girls loved their skirts that Memaw made for them and I loved just relaxing! My dad made a delicious rib dinner and I (over)indulged in strawberry shortcake! It was a beautiful day out!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Pretty Hair

I've decided to try and step outside the box a bit lately, when it comes to the girls' hair! Tay ALWAYS has a ponytail or piggies. She has curly hair, and it's very thin and ratty. We're trying to grow it out, as it's still a bit sparce. So she needs to wear it pulled back or she looks like a character from Annie! Hayden's hair is always down and straight or pulled into a ponytail, as well. Hayden's got great hair to work with, but it gets in these massive knots that just bring her to tears when trying to brush them out. I've been making tons of cute hairbows lately. Ever since I learned how to make new Boutique bows, it's sparked my desire for new, fun hairstyles! Yet again, blog-stalking adventures have lead to me to some really fun, very girly hairstyle blogs!


Saturday, April 18, 2009

Crazy Tay!

Truly, this picture says it all........................
............all that's missing is her tap or ballet shoes!

Friday, April 17, 2009

You scream, I scream...

Every so often, we could all use a little ICE CREAM for DINNER!!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Lucky Number 7

About 6 weeks ago, Hayden lost her 7th tooth. Another top front tooth! I just finally got around to taking a picture. I figured I'd better catch it before it's completely grown in!

Happy Healthy Heart Anniversary, Dad!

Today marks the one year anniversary of my dad's multi-bypass surgery. Words cannot express the gratitude I (and my whole family, I'm sure) have towards the doctors that helped save his life!

Holy Make-Up Batman!

Wanna know what happens when Mommy is on one phone call after another, after another, after another on a lovely Thursday afternoon?
Followed by a shower. And then a nap.
Edit: Hayden was involved too! I found her hiding behind a chair promising that "Taylor did it". However, the evidence on her hands told quite a different story. She had a shower and a nap too!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Taylor is THREE!!!

She is silly, she is strong willed, she is bright, and she is loud! That is TAYLOR in a nutshell!! She cannot sneak up on you, no matter how hard she tries. She's not quiet, nor is she discreet!

She's got a contagious laugh....and a super humerous fake one too! She is the Queen of all things dramatic. She's so animated, loving and very intense.

It's hard to imagine what life was like before her. She has really brought a sense of joy, laughter...and quite honestly, chaos, to our little family! When she was really little, I couldn't wait to see what her personality would be like. She was always sick, so she wasn't too happy most of the time. And last year, after her ENT surgery, her life did a 180! She really came into herself!

She deeply loves anything PINK, FRILLY, LACEY, DANGLY, SPARKLY and SCENTED! She is a GIRLY GIRL! She'll play outdoors, but it's not her favorite past time. She could easily be our couch potato. She loves to watch TV. Nickelodean Noggin, to be exact! I have to limit her tubin' times or the girl could sit there for 10 hours a day!

She loves to play dress up, and I think she's really convinced that she's a Ballerina. She's not too shy and loves to be the center of attention.

We love being the parents to this spunky little girl. She's crazy, and fits in perfectly! And on this day, her 3rd birthday, I wish her all the love in the world.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Thanks Auntie!

Words cannot express my love and gratitude for my sister. She is awesome and amazing! She has helped me out a ton lately. From keeping my kids overnight, to keeping an extra eye on them when Conal's been out there with Bub getting ready for their trip. She's put up with Hayden's arm drama, and Taylor's oozing ear infection, her aversion to flies and kooky attitude toward her Uncle!
She's got so much patience, but also doesn't let them act out of turn and get away with things we wouldn't let them get away with! She's an amazing mother and an incredible sister. I am so lucky!

The Preschool Gods Must've Known

That I need (at least) one more week before sending my baby off to preschool! I got a call bright and early this morning. They overlooked Taylor's birth date and she cannot go into the program until she's 3. So, she will start next Tuesday!

Ya know, 3 years and 5 days is A LOT older than 2 years and 363 days!

Friday, April 3, 2009

**deep breath, Mommy**

HELLO, Hello, helloo....Anybody out there, out there, out there? Can you hear me, hear me, hear me???


That's because I'm locked in the far back corner of my back bathroom curled up in a fetal position, with my face buried in a towel.

Why the drama?

Because! Because, MY BABY is going to start Preschool on TUESDAY. Yes, TUESDAY. TWO DAYS before she turns 3, our little Tay-flower is going to preschool. AND, to dig the dagger in deeper, they asked me if I'd like her to ride the bus? ..."The bus?" I ask. "You're kidding, right?" "No Becca, it's offered to all of the children in the district preschool and otherwise". "Thanks, but I think I'll waive that right ;)".

SO. She's going to start preschool about 4 months before I thought she would. She's going to a public school and into the Priority Preschool Program to receive her ongoing Speech Therapy and continuing work on her developmental delays.

I'm having such a hard time picturing our tiny little Tay walking amidst a crowd of kids into her classroom, with her backpack on. She's my baby.

oh yah, and Hayden is rather put off that Tay is going to "Kindergarten" before her :-(

Desert Botanical Gardens

Last Friday night, our company had tickets to annual Agave on the Rocks fundraiser at Desert Botanical Gardens. I work out there as a host every Thursday and have seens a few of the Chihuly pieces, but this was a great opportunity to get to really wander around the park at our leisure, AND with a Margarita in hand! None of our husbands were interested in going, so Mary, Bonnie, Kerri, and I hit DBG for a Girls Night Out! Complete with amusees at Bonnie's house before we left, and a designated driver on our way home!
We've all been working so hard lately, that a night out with no cares and responsibilities was well deserved! And I highly recommend visiting the Gardens and seeing the Dale Chihuly exhibit before it goes away at the end of May. It's spectacular! It's even better once the sun goes down. In fact, consider heading out there on a Thursday night, get your tickets ahead of time, and enjoy SPIKED!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

I'M the boss

Seriously, as crazy as it sounds, I'm the boss! On Tuesday, after a crazy, hectic, chaotic weekend of a some policy breaking and sub-par customer service on behalf of our bartenders, my boss Dave called me and asked if I'd take over his employee operations.
I know what needs to be done and I know I can get it done. It's a lot of responsibility and has doubled my work load. That is in addition to my previous job duties. But, I'm excited. Getting this new program that I'm starting, kicked off the ground and running is going to take some patience on my (and Conal's) part. I can't go in to it half-assed, because it will never work.
I'm excited and thrilled to have more responsibility, more pay AND a guaranteed job through the end of May. If our Companies continue the way we are now, then I will have jobs to come back to in September too!
So, once I get this running, my next ambition is to show him that just two months of managing his staff isn't going to be enough and they'll fall into bad habits over the summer. He's going to need me, at limited capacity (at the least) through out the summer ;-)

Yay Me!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Anyone up for a Cha-Cha? :)

Huh? Where AM I?

I have been a terrible blogger lately. I cannot tell if I'm coming or going, awake or dreaming! I feel completely out of my element, and so do my kids.

Business is picking up a bit filling my days and I've been working serving shifts in my 'spare' time! I still manage to juggle the daytime with the kids, albeit, I feel like I'm ignoring them lately.

I call it survival mode! My industry dies off over the summer out here so I've got to work and do all that I can before June. I get laid off over the summer and am looking for some part time work to do then.

And even though Conal's work days are stretched out these days, and a bit longer, he has really picked up my slack and I am so grateful to him for that! I know he would not neglect things, but he really has been wonderful!

So, I vow to catch my blog up, soon! Maybe this weekend. We've had a lot going on, in addition to all the hours we've both been putting in at work!