What do 4 kids whose parents have no pool in the backyard, Mommies could be content sitting in chairs under a sprinkler and a cottonwood tree and Daddy's happy as flies on poop playing horseshoes and drinking beer on a lazy Sunday do to keep cool? Swim in the horse trough, that's what they do!
We went out to Pam and Bub's yesterday to veg out and let the kids run wild. It's been so hot, averaging about 105 lately. We were going to let the kids run in the sprinklers all day, but when we got there Bub was just finishing hosing off the horses. And for a real special treat, Clark, he rinsed out the trough so the kids could go for a dip ;-)
THEY HAD A BLAST!! Thanks for sharing your pool with us Coxes, that was really nice!!

that's funny! 105...wow! That makes me appreciate not living there. We're in the 80's today...perfect weather.
you know you can always count on us for a good time, clark!! :)
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