I cannot sit here and type how much Conal means to me. Words don't do it justice, and it will just take me forever to wade through the tears. I say this always, but it's forever true. I am a lucky, lucky girl!
Friday, September 18, 2009
Happy 36, my Love
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Meeting Miss Paisley
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Knott's Berry Farm
While we were in SoCal, Conal suggested some play time at an amusement park. And even though it was really hard to drive past Disneyland on the I-5, we had a great time at Knott's Berry Farm!
San Clemente, Labor Day Weekend
On Labor Day weekend, we got the heck out of dodge! Other than a couple of camping trips (which I don't consider vacation!), we haven't been away as a family in almost three years. I found a great deal on a hotel in San Clemente and off we went. Quite honestly, I have not seen my girls so happy and smile so much in a very, very long time. It was a much needed, well deserved and totally awesome getaway!

Thursday, September 10, 2009
Walk Now for Autism

Our daughter Hayden is the pride and joy of our life! She's a wonderful girl with such talent, an amazing personality and is so lovable. She has Autism. But let me tell you what, Autism does NOT have her!
This year, we are participating in our first Autism Speaks Walk Now For Autism. Please, take a few minutes to visit our link and make a donation! If you are interested in joining us in the walk, you can also create your own profile and start raising money, too! If you would like to walk with us at Tempe Beach Park on Sunday, November 1st, please click on the link on the top of my donation page..."My Team Page".
Thank you so much for your time, compassion and donation. Not only does it honor Hayden, it honors the hundreds of thousands of other children just like her!
Conal, Becca and Hayden Marquette
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Happy (belated) Birthday, Cash
I refrained from calling him Cashy in my title...however, I can't not call him that for some reason. I'm sure one day he'll hate me for it! But see then we will have come full circle. Okay, hate's a little harsh...but the truth is, it has taken this little guy almost 3 years to like me!Uncle Conal, ahem...excuse me...Aunt Conal, on the other hand, Cash has liked since day 1! Stinker!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Saturday Night Sleepover
Smack-dab in the middle of Tay's most recent 2 week Mystery Illness....she had two days of remotely decent health. SO, Pam and I decided to pass the time (she was on eternal clock-watch waiting for her induction with Paisley) by having some fun with the chitlin's!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Paisley May

Born: September 1, 2009 at 12:12pm
Weighs: 7.15 lbs
Height: 20 inches
Congratulations Pam, Bub, Cooper and Cash!!!