On Labor Day weekend, we got the heck out of dodge! Other than a couple of camping trips (which I don't consider vacation!), we haven't been away as a family in almost three years. I found a great deal on a hotel in San Clemente and off we went. Quite honestly, I have not seen my girls so happy and smile so much in a very, very long time. It was a much needed, well deserved and totally awesome getaway!
Taylor and I spent endless hours making drip castles while Hayden taught herself how to boogie board! Conal enjoyed quite some time riding the waves, and on this trip, I even got in on the fun!
We relaxed one evening at the Dana Point Harbor. The seafood was awesome, and the weather was perfect! We let the girls stay up as late as they possibly could, and found ourselves wandering down the pier at 9:00 at night on Saturday. It was tough to have to leave to come home, we milked it for all we could. Eating breakfast over the water on Monday morning and playing on the beach until noon. We even stopped one last time (our second trip in less than 24 hours) for fish tacos at Wahoos.
With all of the chaos of back to school, Taylor's strange mysterious illnesses bringing numerous nights of no sleep, me getting ready to start back to work and soccer on the horizon...it was an absolutely perfect trip for us to spend time together and enjoy one another!

More cute pictures! I know you guys really enjoyed that vacation.
Definitely a much needed and well-deserved vacation. You captured some great moments in these pics.
I love Taylor's face in the last pic! :-)
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