Wednesday, December 9, 2009

The Most Wonderful Time at the Happiest Place on Earth!

Even though Memaw was sick, and Hayden came down with a bad case of tonisilitis after the first day, we still had a great time at Disneyland! Hayden was a bit cranky, to say the least on day 2, but we didn't let that stop us from having the most wonderful time at the happiest place on Earth. This was Taylor's first time to Disneyland, and she had a blast the whole entire time. Screaming at the end of each ride because she didn't want it to be over!
Out of all my trips to Disneyland this was, by far, the prettiest! Pictures really don't do it justice, especially at night. It just looks so magical! What a great way to ring in my 33rd birthday!


Lori said...

I totally agree with your post, it is the most wonderful and beautiful place this time of the year. What a fun fun fun time and you captured it great in pictures. Thanks for letting me tag along. The Disneyland trips are one of my favorites!

Watson Family said...

I agree! I am still in awe over how beautiful it was. I am for sure making December an annual trip. Looks like you had fun! The picture of Taylor hugging Tinkerbell is so sweet!!

PCox said...

I'm quite impressed that you already did this post. Look at you!!
You got some great pics! I know how Hayden loves Mickey... I bet she was so excited to see him. And I wish I could've seen Tay's face in person when she saw Tinkerbell. Looks like you guys had a great time. Wish I could've joined you!! Maybe one of these times.... {sigh}

Kim said...

I love Disney at Christmastime - we only have done it once, but I would love to go again during this time of year! Looks fun w/both girls this time!