I'm grateful to have a job, and one I love at that. However, work is really cramping my personal life!
I'd have to say that I'm working full time these days. It's very rare that I work less than 40 hours in a week. Gotta get while the gettin's good in this industry, and in a couple of months it will quiet down. So even though I'm missing out on some fun stuff, not home at night too often, and can't keep my blog updated, I really can't complain!
Sooooo, what have we been up to, you wonder? Take a peak below :)
Thursday, March 25, 2010
A Marquette4 Update!
Zoo time!
We haven't been to the zoo since last Fall. That's a little unusual for us, considering we used to have a membership and would go at least twice a month! I let my membership lapse this year though. Now that Hayden's in school full time, and Tay is in preschool, I figured I wouldn't use it as much.
Taylor Update
Tay's about to turn 4 in just a few weeks. That meant that her IEP was due at her developmental preschool. I was pretty convinced that she wouldn't be approved for the program any longer, but wasn't quite sure if they'd keep her through her birthday, the end of the year, or what. The week before her IEP the school psych. told me that they would be releasing her on the last day before Spring break. That was music to my ears!!

Mary Poppins!
I found a bargain online the week before Mary Poppins rolled into town. Four tickets for forty dollars! I called my mom to see if she was available, knowing that even if she wasn't she'd probably clear her schedule for this! ;)
Neighborhood fun!
I've been a slacker and haven't been carrying my camera with me too often. It's really too bad. We've been having so much fun with new friends in our neighborhood, and I'm missing out on a lot of photo ops.

The Haydens...aka H1H2
End of season (2) soccer party. Hayden with Coach Randy and Coach Efren (who I actually went to highschool with). Crazy, small world!
New profession?
Should I send these two to beauty school now and get it out of the way? They both took up hairdressing in the same week.
Indoor Upgrades!
Living in one place for 9 years gets a little old. Would I like more space? Yep! Would I love a pool? Absolutely! BUT, the fact of the matter is that we're not going anywhere. For a while. Probably a long while. So, we've been freshening up the place a bit. Paint here and there, we're getting ready to put crown moulding up in the family room, and we trimmed out our windows in the family room. I've been refinishing furniture instead of buying new. It's actually been quite fun! (And cheap!)