Today was bittersweet. We took down the crib and put up a big girl bed for Tay. We bought her new bedding and a fluffy pillow and got it all set up after naptime. I've gotten choked up a couple of times over the course of the day. It makes me kinda sad that we're done with a crib...forever! It makes me more sad that Tay is becoming a big girl.
My emotions aside....she LOVES her new bed! She walked into her room before I even had the sheets on and she was so excited. She's such a shorty so I had to lift her up to even get on the bed. Once she was up there, she was rollin' around and kickin' her legs, she loved it! Hayden ran in and said "Cool got a big girl bed like me". That made Tay go even more nuts! So, as much as I think she's my baby, I sure don't give her enough credit...she get's it, she totally gets it!
I have to say, I expect the worst and hope for the best; that's my motto lately. So, after their shower tonight, we put Hayden to bed first. Taylor loves to copy Hayden, so I wanted her to see that we lay Hayden down, give her kisses and hugs and leave the room. Same as it was in the crib...but I wanted her to see for herself that nothing changes in a big bed. After we put Hayden down, we went and put Taylor down, and that was it! Now, I'm a realist, so I know that tomorrow could be different (or not). But I've just gotta say, night number 1 was nothing like I expected it to be. Hayden did so good her first night in a big bed that I just expected the exact opposite. So, I'll close this post with some pictures, and a quick knock on wood that Taylor loves her big girl bed tomorrow, just as much as she did today.
Tay waking up from her last nap in a crib, and Daddy wasting no time taking that sucker down and making room for her new special bed.

Ok, now I'm sad too! She is getting to be such a big girl but she's still our baby.
Oh my goodness! I can't believe she's in a big girl bed. But she's so smart. She does totally "get it." Wow!! She's so cute, Bec! Look at these adorable pictures of her! Seriously.... ADORABLE!! I love her so much!
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