Friday, February 8, 2008

Wasting Away....

We've collectively lost 16 1/2 pounds in the first two weeks! Look real hard at the picture below....we're the two sticks standing by each other. I know, it's hard to see us we're so small....You might try squinting!

Could the extra poundage have anything to do with the fact that I've got a drink in front of me or in my hand in every picture I have of myself?!?! ;)


Becca said...

16 of the lbs are mine keep on trying becky love conal

Anonymous said...

That's great, keep up the good work! I lost 4 lbs. last week on a new diet "the stomach virus". Not as much fun as counting points though.

Anonymous said...

Hey Con....lemme give you a goal. Once you lose 16 lbs of your own, I'll let you have a whole post! ;) ha ha. Nice try!!

PCox said...

Look at you hottie batotties!! Wooo Hoo!!

papabill said...

Conal does friend chicken spoiled, and mother-in-law mean anything .....16 lbs.