Boy, was I cranky last month. Overtired, overstressed and overworked. There were so many days and nights that I was dreading, well, the days and the nights! I told Conal numerous times that I wasn't cut out for motherhood. He just shrugged it off and told me it was a little too late to be making that decision! :) I was beating my head against the wall (figuratively --don't worry, I'm not going Britney Spears on ya!) because I felt out of control, personally. Unfortunately, my family had to suffer the brunt. Now that my crazy month is over, I realize that, for the first time since I've had kids, I was working full time and trying to maintain a household, nurture my two girls, cart them to their various activities, be a woman, a mommy and a wife. Good Lord....props to those women who are able to do so. Obviously, I'm not as great of a multi-tasker as I thought! Well, maybe I can multi-task, but my family suffered. I definatley love my job, although, I must admit, I'm so glad it's back to part time. Now that we're on the upswing and everyone's starting to get well...we're enjoying each other again. We've spent a lot of time together lately and I missed them. Thank goodness they're not mad at me, instead they're showering me with lovins. I think they're glad that I'm back to Mommy again.
2 years ago
That is an awesome picture of you three, you all look so pretty!
Love the "photo courtesy of". HAHA!! You're silly!
Anyway, I am glad you're back to being Mommy right now too. We are finally getting to enjoy this stay-at-home mom business. It's been quite fun! I'm sure it's been even more entertaining for you since you get to watch me deal with Cash's tantrums!! LOL
That is an absolutely beautiful photo of you with your children - I enjoyed looking at your blog!
What a beautiful picture of you and the girls, I love it. Don't be so hard on yourself, you're a great Mom.
That picture is awesome all 3 of you guys are so pretty in it! Conal has 3 pretty valentines! :0)
Wow, great picture. Pam maybe you and I really should get together with some kind of business? I'm thinking we could really do well. Becca you look great. Much less stressed ;)
Great photo! Please call me - I'm dying to catch up - I promise it won't take me another 2 weeks to call you back! My bad!
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