That is the title to one of Hayden's favorite songs. It's in the High School Musical movie. It's a duet with the two main characters singing about breaking free of stereotypes or labels. I never thought much about the song, know all the lyrics, and actually sing along to it with Hayden when it's playing. She listens to it on the tv, in her room, in the car and belts it out while she's playing outside....swinging, mostly.
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Breaking Free
Mommy has whiskers
"Ouch! Mommy, your whiskers are cutting me!!"
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Bootcamp Progress
I have one more week left of Boot Camp, but sadly I'm having to miss these last two weeks due to my crazy busy work schedule. I'm really bummed. I was enjoying it immensely and I'm actually seeing results. As for the lb's, they're not really dropping as much as I thought they would ..but the inches have been melting away! I've lost over 2 1/2 inches in my stomach since I began 5 weeks ago. I'm still doing Weight Watchers...although I do cheat (pasta is my weakness these days) from time to time. I've definately changed my eating habits, I stay away from fast food, chips and alcohol and I allow myself only 1 fat Coke a week! So, I'd say I've set myself up on the road for success. I'm still working out at the gym regularly and my boot camp has taught me great variation of workouts to do on my own. I have signed up for an intense boot camp style class at the gym that's on Thursdays. It starts mid-April, so I'll pick that up and once work slows down (I'll get layed off in May or June) then I'll really kick my butt in gear (I hope!). So in the meantime, I'm proud of myself for sticking in through. That may sound contradictory since I'm not finishing to the end, but I feel I've been successful and am not quitting by choice by any means. I look forward to what my future holds in becoming a more healthy and active mommy.
Monday, March 24, 2008
Easter Sunday
Bartlett Lake
The four amigos (as we affectionately call ourselves!) enjoyed the day at Bartlett Lake on Saturday. It was a perfect day for boating. A few folks actually jumped into the 60-ish degree water, but Conal and I took the smart route and stayed warm on board! There's no denying it, summer's on it way.
Decorating Eggs
Last Thursday I set up shop in the middle of the backyard for the girls to decorate Easter eggs. They had a ton o' fun!
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
I feel guilty, like I'm leaving a member of the family out. So, here goes another animal post. This time, I'm posting on our male beta fish, Dorothy. Hayden named him proudly after Elmo's fish! Dorothy came to us in January when Memaw thought Hayden needed a fish bowl (with the encouragement of my Aunt and my SISTER <----I'm sure of!). Not just any fish bowl....a fish, fish bowl. Look closely at the picture (don't mind the FISH flashcard). Yes, it's a fish with a bowl sitting on top, that graces my kitchen counter. Not many safe places to put it with a wirey 4 year old and curious 1 year old running amuck. We have since had to replace the bowl, as the original sprung a crack one day. We thought we would've had to replace Dorothy by now...but no, he just keeps swimmin' away. I'm not kidding, I feel like I'm living on a funny the middle of a city block!
Yesterday morning, I woke up wondering what on Earth I did to myself taking on a puppy. As if I need just one more thing on my plate right now! She cried all night Monday night. Well, she cried until about 1:00a when I finally went and slept on the couch with her on my chest. She's like a little baby. Although I didn't mind getting up in the middle of the night with my babies, something about the puppy just got to me! However, come morning time yesterday, when it was light out and I could see her face, I fell back in love with her! I questioned every person that I talked to yesterday, looking for advice on what to do with her at night so she won't cry. I can tune the crying out, but Conal and the kids can't. She kept them up Monday night too.
Monday, March 17, 2008
We were enjoying a nice lazy Sunday. We ate an early dinner and then got a phone call from Memaw and Papa wanting to stop by for a few minutes. They came over around 4:30 and stayed for about an hour. About 10 minutes after they left the door bell rang. I saw their car out front and figured they forgot something. When I opened the door this adorable, approximately 2 month old, puppy was shaking in my dad's arms. It was love at first sight! The girls went nuts over her, especially Taylor. We waited about an hour before introducing her to our other dogs. Daphne wasn't phased and Chloe was a bit protective. She was sniffing her like crazy and not letting her cross the back patio onto the grass. We told Hayden all evening that we are just going to keep her until her family comes forward with signs looking for her. That there is a good chance we'll have to give her back. So, all evening she kept telling us that Sophie wasn't ours but we're going to take good care of her!
I will keep my eye out for signs, but I think if she is a "missing" puppy, her owners should've looked a lot harder for her. And at this point, how am I going to really tell my girls she has to go away? Oh, who am I am I going to tell myself she has to go away?
Sunday, March 16, 2008
A sad Taylor couldn't stay sad for long once she saw my camera come out. She LOVES to cheese it up!
Hayden struck it rich panning for gold.
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Waiting, Patiently
A typical morning in our household usually starts around 8-ish, give or take a few! Tay's an early riser (well, those that know me real well know early is anything before 9a)! On average I hear her stirring around 7:30 but she doesn't really get going until about 8. Hayden on the other hand, can sleep like her Mommy....during the winter, that is. Now that it seems (note: SEEMS- because I won't open my eyes that early to check) to be getting lighter sooner, she's waking up earlier. And earlier, and earlier. In fact, she's surpassing Tay. Yesterday I came stumbling out of my room around 8:10 and there sat Hayden outside of Tay's room waiting, patiently for her to wake up. She had a couple of toys and even a bottle ready for little sister. I'm assuming she got the bottle out of the sink from the night prior...I know I didn't make 2 oz of day old formula that early in the morning!
Budding Photog
Monday, March 10, 2008
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
This One's for the Girls!
In celebration of International Women's Day, I just want to thank all the girls in my life. At some point you've all laughed, cried, vented, squealed, wished and dreamed with me. Thanks! (Of course, not just limited to the ones in pictures!)
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Railroad Park
On Saturday, March 1st, we took the kids to the McCormick-Stillman Railroad Park in Scottsdale. It happened to be the busiest day of the year (lucky us), as they were having a carnival. It was crowded, but the girls had a blast. They got to get into a fire truck and pet some cute little animals at the petting zoo. We also went on a couple of train rides and a carousel. Hayden said the carousel was "dirty and not as pretty as the animal one at the zoo", however, she rode it twice. Must not have been that bad!
Monday, March 3, 2008
Miss Dina
The girls' OT, Miss Dina, sure is a blessing to the field of occupational therapy! She's such a great asset to our family, and both of the girls absolutely LOVE Thursday's when she comes to "play", as Hayden calls it. Whether it be finger painting with shaving cream in the bathroom, making snow out of water and some science experimental (it seems) powdery stuff, or just snapping into a green body sock, my girls have a blast. They don't realize that they're actually 'working' on their senses,but it's a good thing, I'm sure. If they knew it was work, they wouldn't want to play!!