Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Waiting, Patiently

A typical morning in our household usually starts around 8-ish, give or take a few! Tay's an early riser (well, those that know me real well know early is anything before 9a)! On average I hear her stirring around 7:30 but she doesn't really get going until about 8. Hayden on the other hand, can sleep like her Mommy....during the winter, that is. Now that it seems (note: SEEMS- because I won't open my eyes that early to check) to be getting lighter sooner, she's waking up earlier. And earlier, and earlier. In fact, she's surpassing Tay. Yesterday I came stumbling out of my room around 8:10 and there sat Hayden outside of Tay's room waiting, patiently for her to wake up. She had a couple of toys and even a bottle ready for little sister. I'm assuming she got the bottle out of the sink from the night prior...I know I didn't make 2 oz of day old formula that early in the morning!

I was able to snap a quick photo before she heard a tiny little squeal and ran into the room to start what has been a morning ritual for the two of them the last couple of weeks. They turn up the radio is Tay's room as loud as it goes, and start "cooking" breakfast on her stove. Then, they bring me my "eggs" (in bed, of course) and turn on Disney Channel. They sit here for oh, about 2 minutes and then they're off!

Their energy is eyes are puffy....and Chloe is totally annoyed (she's not a morning person, er...Dog, either). It's a fun start to another day and I wouldn't have it any other way.


Meghan said...

What a good sister, she's so sweet!

Lori said...


Kristy said...

Ok, that is so cute.