Last week, Pam and I got together to do some Fall crafts! It's my favorite season, and even though we don't really have Fall until (what seems like) after Christmas, I love to decorate! We copied this adorable craft from one of her friends....fake caramel apples. They look so real it's unbelievable! I also found a really cute black wreath that I adorned with Halloween decor. Even though all four of our kids (especially Taylor) were high maintenance and an absolute pain in our side...we got our projects done, and had a lot of fun doing them!
Monday, September 29, 2008
Fall Crafts
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Fiesta del Sol
East Valley Sol hosted their 3rd Annual Fiesta del Sol last night at Tempe Diablo Stadium. A good sized group of us went to support this amazing philanthropic the best way we know how! We partied like (we thought we were) Rockstars! For only $50 a couple we had dinner catered by Someburro's, unlimited drinks provided by Hensley, craps and blackjack and of course a DANCE FLOOR that we rocked like no other! ha ha It was a lot of fun to get out and let loose, and support something so wonderful in the meantime!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Santa in September?
A couple of weeks ago, the girls were playing quietly in Tay's quiet that Conal thought he should look in on them and see what they were up too. We've walked in to emptied wipies containers, coloring on the walls, shredded pieces toilet paper that acts as snow....this time Taylor thought she was Santa Claus! She had a mouth full of cotton balls and had drawn a beard on her face. Clever little kid! So, after I came in to the room and talked to her about drawing on her face, I just had to take pictures. I know, confuse the girl...first she gets in trouble, then Mommy's taking pictures!
Monday, September 22, 2008
Footprints in the Sand
One night I dreamed I was walking along the beach with the Lord.
Many scenes from my life flashed across the sky.
In each scene I noticed footprints in the sand.
Sometimes there were two sets of footprints,
other times there were one set of footprints.
This bothered me because I noticed
that during the low periods of my life,
when I was suffering from
anguish, sorrow or defeat,
I could see only one set of footprints.
So I said to the Lord,
"You promised me Lord,
that if I followed you,
you would walk with me always.
But I have noticed that during
the most trying periods of my life
there have only been one
set of footprints in the sand.
Why, when I needed you most,
you have not been there for me?"
The Lord replied,
"The times when you have
seen only one set of footprints in the sand,
is when I carried you."
--Mary Stevenson
I'm just stumped, at an absolute loss of words for what Melissa is going through right now. They have such a young family and a lifetime of memories ahead of them. I pray that Dallen is able to pull through and recover from this tragedy. This absolute nightmare.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Our Little Barrel Racer

Wednesday, September 17, 2008
My friend, Kristy
Kristy sent this joke to me and I just couldn't resist posting it. I got a chuckle and thought you might too!
Kristy is one of the first friends I made when I moved out to Arizona. We went to church together but didn't know each other well until one fateful trip to the Grand Canyon with our church group. We got acquainted over a Cracker Barrell chicken fried steak and instantly learned that we had a lot in common - yet we are so different! Coincidentally, a couple of months after that, we were on the same round trip flight to Los Angeles going to different destinations. We sat across the aisle from one another (middle seats each) and completely bonded! From that moment on, Kristy and I have been very good friends. We've been through a lot together. Back in the good ol' days she listened to me talk about my dates...good and bad! She helped "counsel (haha)" me through a nightmarish roommate aka RoomMonster experience, she dug Conal before my family even met him, we've been to Redskins games together (yes, we let Conal join us!!), and spent a lot of quality time just hanging out - oh yah, and MANY trips to Disneyland! Kristy was in my wedding and threw my Arizona bridal shower. She took time off of work before my wedding to help me shop for all kinds of last minute stuff to help me get things done! When we worked remotely near one another, we used to meet for lunch once a week for the best gripe session (good and bad!), it could give anyone a run for their money! Her family is an extension of mine. Her mother is like a grandmother to me. She made my wedding cake, and has since, spent her own time with me to teach me how to make cakes. Her mother battled breast cancer this year and I felt as if it were a member of my family. We've been there for each other through thick and thin, the best and the worst, this is just the tiniest tip of the iceberg. And I know this sounds one sided, but it's an equally supportive friendship. Of course, I cannot publish all of her drama! LOL. However, as we grow older and our schedules change, we don't have time to see each other as often. My girls love her and when they see this picture of her on my computer they get excited! Kristy, thanks for all of your love and support. Thanks for all of the laughs and even all of the tears we've shed together (especially this past year). You always help to give me clarity and understanding from a totally objective point of view. I feel like the stories could go on forever and typing them out doesn't do them justice. I'm so grateful to have such wonderful memories and anticipate a lifetime of a million more!

Photo circa June, 2008 at Loretta's (her mom) Breast Cancer Free party!
Monday, September 15, 2008
35 Years!
Yesterday, Conal turned 35 years old. I feel so lucky to have shared his last 11 birthdays with him! Conal is such a quiet guy and doesn't make a fuss about too much, so I like to make a fuss over him on his birthday! Granted, this year I didn't shower him with gifts (I ordered him a gift two weeks ago that's on backorder and didn't make it in time. boohoo), but I did still try to help him have a special day! He thought it was totally hokey, of course. And all I can say is that it could've been worse, I could've decorated the house with streamers and balloons and made him a Mickey Mouse cake!
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Summertime, in September!
My kids are crazy! They are definately desert rats, or reptiles, or....whatever you want to call them!
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Alright, ONE MORE Hayden post, then I'll move on ;o)
First off....every so often I think I need to put a new disclaimer as to why I blog. I'm a journal-er! I chronicle EVERYTHING, and at the end of one year of blogging, I will turn this into a memory book for our family. Hence, I tend to put a LOT of information on this thing! So, if you feel it gets redundant, sorry...but I'VE got to have it ;o)
We've had a challenging summer of evaluations and appointments in regards to Hayden's development. We've felt helpless and frustrated at many times, and hopeful and composed at others. The culmination of 10 months of many different types of tests, evaluations and second opinions, came today when Hayden was formally diagnosed with a moderate form of Autism. It's a diagnosis that we knew was more of a possibility than not, however, it's never easy hearing that something is 'not right' with your child. We believed that Hayden had a very mild form of something within the realms of the Autism Spectrum, but her assessments scores have determined she's moderate, but she will be classified as mild to moderate. She was initially qualified as fitting within the spectrum of Asperger's (high functioning Austism), but further diagnostics have showed that she classifies in the Autism spectrum. What does this mean? This means that Hayden will now under go an evaluation from the state...the DDD (same system that Taylor is in). They will have to approve her diagnosis and then she will be picked up for services. Now, of course, that's all in a perfect world! We've had some major hiccups and set backs along this road, so we know that it's not that cut-n-dry. But, regardless it will lead to her having access to every type of therapy you can possibly imagine to help her maintain in the world that she revolves in! They (her teams of specialists, Ped. and Conal and I) are all really optimistic and pretty sure that she's going to overcome many of her challenges. There is no cure for Autism, however...with early intervention and the proper support and guidance she can learn how manage her struggles in ways that are amazing! As you can see, we are realists, but we also have high expectations of this little sweetie. She's doing reallly well at her school and they'd like us to put her into a special ed. preschool through the district. We were not impressed with the program in terms of the needs that she has, but will look into it again. I also think that she's just blossoming at her school, where she's comfortable, and with a class of only 8, they're able to help her immensely. I would hate to take her out of there. So, I'm not rushing into that. We will take each step one at a time and start with getting her the State eval. My ultimate goal is to get her into L.I.F.E for her treatments. It is also believed that Hayden has either a form of ADHD or OCD...but that will be determined at a later date. They will see how she responds to her treatments and therapies before evaluating a further cause. However, those can generally be contained with a medication. Not that that's a good thing...however, if you've walked in our shoes, you'll know how breathtaking it is to be getting answers....
Stuck in the 90's!

Well, anyone that knows me real well, knows that I could easily be stuck in the 90's! I said "COULD BE"...don't bother telling me if I really am! ;o)
Amber had this fun link posted to her blog, and of course, I couldn't resist clicking on it! I definately thought it summed me up, so I thought I'd post it. Crazy how some things, just never change!!
Sunday, September 7, 2008
4 weeks down!
Hayden has four weeks down into this school year. I'm really pleased with how she's progressing. She loves her school, her teacher and seeing her teachers from last year. This year her class is small. She has 8 kids in there, which is just perfect, and four of them are her friends from last school year. Her teacher is Ms.Terri and it's her first time teaching pre-K, as she's been the kindergarten teacher at the academy in the past. I'm really glad that she's Hayden's teacher. Hayden is coming home each day with school work worthy of kindergarten and it may take her a couple of days to retain, but she always does, a couple days later, tell us what she's learned at school! There's that darn auditory processing issue...but even though it's taking awhile to sink in, I'm so pleased that it actually is!
On a side note, tomorrow, she has another appointment with her specialist and a new series of evaluations with a new children's psych. We weren't thrilled with the old psych., so we've sought out a new one.
Mommy's going back to work.
Tomorrow starts a whole new ballgame in our house (so to speak!). Last December I took my little few hours a month part time job to an administrative level, doing all of the recruiting and hiring for the company I was working for, and it's parent company. It's a seasonal job, and I completed my first 1/2 season in May. I was hired on at 20 hours per week, but as most (or all) of you know, it was never really just a part time job. So, this summer gave me and Conal time to think, regroup and reflect on the benefits that my job brought to our family. We also decided that since I was working a minimum of 30 hours a week, that I would see what they thought of me going more full time. I'm very lucky that they see me as a huge benefit to their staff. We've come up with new job expectations from both sides. So, tomorrow, I start my new season, that will continue through May. I will be recruiting, hiring and orienting new employees. I will also hold a monthly training seminar for employees to keep them in the 'loop' and to keep their minds fresh and active for the upcoming party season. I love my job, I always say that it was "taylor made" for me. I get to work from home, manage my own schedule, yet, bet out amongst people seeking the social interaction that I so badly got to missing during my time as a stay at home mom.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Happy Birthday Mom!
My sister and I each made a scrapbook page of the kids (my mom requested it) to frame, and we're going to go out and see Mamma Mia (before it leaves the theaters). I think my mom had a pretty good birthday and we had a lot of fun helping her celebrate! Happy Birthday Mom, Lori, Memaw...we love you!!
Thursday, September 4, 2008
While Mom and I were enjoying the spa.....
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Labor Day Weekend
Well....we definately didn't labor this past weekend! Hayden's school had a parents night out on Friday, so we sent the kids there for the evening. Four hours for $20, not bad! They had a great time making crafts, dancing and singing, playing in the play yard, eating snacks and watching movies. We actually picked them up at 9:00...who knew we could have four hours away from the kids, and not be able to fill it?!
So, what did we do? We went to Los Felipes Cantina at the Tempe Marketplace and hit happy hour! We enjoyed a child free, no maintenance meal. Well, actually, we shared an appetizer and didn't even have a whole meal, but it was fun!
On Saturday my parents had the kids from 10-6 to do some baking and playing. We decided that we didn't want to just sit around all day so we headed into Scottsdale. We parked near the mall and were going to see what was going on around the Waterfront area. I've been there before, so I knew there wasn't much, but it still beat strolling a mall near us that we frequent more often, or hanging out at home!
Well, the Waterfront (which is aptly named for several swanky businesses located on a stinky canal!) was a bust! Most of the boutique stores (which...not a single one looked interesting) were closed for the holiday weekend. Strange, but whatever!
So we walked our way in Old Town. After awhile as we were drenched in sweat, we hopped on the free trolley and made our way to a great little cafe called the Grapevine. Once again, we found another happy hour! We enjoyed a long lunch sitting on the roof under the misters and cloud coverage for a couple of hours. We hit some tourist stores and then stopped in at the SugarBowl for some ice cream. Delicious! After that, we hopped back on the trolley for a little tour on our way back to the car.
It was really fun to do a touristy thing for the day. We kinda felt like we were out of town for a few hours!
Monday, I joined my mom at Camelback Spa for the day. What a nice, relaxing, enjoyable day. We arrived around 10:30 and didn't leave until 5:00! We had so much fun laughing, envying, gossiping and lounging! We both had amazing treatments and a wonderful day!
So, my weekend included no Labor just lots of fun on our own schedule!
Fun Day with Memaw and Papa
My mom booked all four of the grandchildren a week in advance for a baking day. This is the first time the little ones got to participate. The kids decorated chocolate cupcakes and they even made allergy free cupcakes for Taylor!