Sunday, October 26, 2008

She's makin' a list

The Toys R Us big toy book came out in the Sunday paper today. GOOD GRIEF! It's not even Halloween yet, it's still too warm with temps in the 90's and the retails gods are pushing Christmas on us! Every year, when the holiday season is pushed on us earlier and earlier, I promise myself that I'm not going to be surprised. Yet, every year...come whichever week they throw the displays up, I am surprised!

Of course Hayden lit up when she saw the giant book of all her wants and needs! She's a list girl, loves lists...and so she and I sat down today to make her Christmas wish list. She wanted an extra blank page to put up on the fridge under her list for "when Santa needs the Target list too". NO KIDDING.....she said that!
I'm glad to know my girl has just basic, simple taste. Doesn't require much, most items found under the $10 spread. NOT....haha, she picked up the most fun, high rollin' toys she could seek out! Although, in true actuallity, she is a simple girl who doesn't require much to be happy and entertained. Our bank account thanks her :o)
So, here is Hayden's Christmas List. As told to me..while I wrote it down. And when I thought something was too ridiculous to write...she'd stare at me and tell me to "get drawin', we've got lots to cover"! Goodness, I LOVE this girl. She keeps me grounded, laughing and so grateful that we have her! I cannot imagine a single day without her to light up my soul! She's truly one of a kind!


Horse Stable w/ horses - "the fake one is fine Mommy because Uncle Bubba gives me all the horses I need"

Puppet Theater Stage with Puppets- "..I can't share this with my sister though, Mommy"

Cadillac Hybrid Escalade - "...I needa car! I can drive Morgan and Maggie and any other girls. Cooper might not like it cuz it's pink".

Girls Scooter - "...I still need a pink one but there's none in the book. Does Santa make pink scooters or just cars"?

Furreal Pets Puppy ($160) -"...WOW Hayd, that's a lot of money for a fake dog. You have two real don't need a fake one"."'re SILLY"!

Hannah Montana Pink Acoustic Guitar

ALL of the new HSM3 Barbies, "...the old Sharpay is ugly now"

Keyboard or Piana (piano)

Wii Sing it - "...with headphones" ( I think she means microphones)

So, that's her list. It cracks me up. I think there's nothing under about $70 on that list. And the Escalade tops out at $300. LOL --- crazy kid! I'm sure she'll be equally as happy with how we "revamp" it!


Krissy said...

I wonder if Christmas is going to start in the Summer sometime? LOL.
I actually did alot of my shopping today (cause I saw so many of the toys my kids want were on sale at Toys R us).
I do have to say, we bought Peyton & Skyler a Jeep when they were 3 & 4 yrs old (a combo gift). It was definately an investment, but I have to say its been worth it. Brady uses it now and loves it! I just have to make sure he doesn't crash into any trees!

PCox said...

I'm glad you posted this list! This will help me (and I'm sure her other aunts) out a lot!!

Becca said...

Ha!Ha! I wasn't posting to give ideas, silly! I can give you the low budget list later ;)