Monday, October 27, 2008

10.27.08 Weather Report!

Just want a record, to remind myself that on this day....October 27th, is warm, sunny and 92 degrees. There is not a cloud in the sky. The only cloud in the sky EVER on October 27th of ANY year in the HISTORY of Arizona was on October 27, 2000.
Nine years ago I picked that date because October was my favorite time of year out here. The weather was ALWAYS beautiful, perfect for an outdoor wedding. But of course we received a record amount of rainfall that hasn't been touched....eight years later!
So even though we were able to move the ceremony inside, and everyone scrunched together really well with no complaints, and TONS of sympathy...knowing that my fantasy wedding was just that, a FANTASY...I still have a wonderful memory of that day. Of that morning, waking up and being really OKAY with it. The day before I was panicking, the week leading up to it I was panicking...but that day, I felt peace, excitement, exuberance. Nothing, not even 7 inches of rain in 24 hours (that's a LOT for here, people...and if you WERE here, you REMEMBER it!) was going to spoil my day.
I think the old wives tale is true...rain is GOOD LUCK on your wedding day!


Kristy said...

I agree...rain on your wedding day is good luck and your wedding was so beautiful. I remember that day like it was yesterday. Love you guys lots! :0)

PCox said...

I remember well how stressed you were leading up to that actual day. But the morning of Oct. 27th you truly did have a peace about you... You didn't care about anything. You were just ready to be married. What a great memory for all of us to have.

Lori said...

What a day that was! Your Dad jumping through hoops in his attempt to control the weather and your special day all the while struggling with his own emotions of his first little girl getting married. Me trying to keep you and everyone else happy by trying to say all the right things. In the end, all that was needed was you and Conal standing before God and the minister with your friends and family behind you with our support. You are a wonderful couple and awesome parents. A perfect match!
Dad and I love you both so much. And now, you love rainy days!
Love, You Mom

Krissy said...

How funny!
Every wedding day needs to have a lasting memory like that.
I forgot Brandon's wedding ring in the Bride's room at the Temple.