Most days that I pick Taylor up, her teacher has a report for me. "She was really quiet today". "She was only sad for 2 minutes and then perked right up". "She's making friends wonderfully". Monday she said that Taylor "just chatted away during storytime. Something about "Boom Boom Pows". Great! She's now teaching the class about Black Eyed Peas. And I'm not speaking about legumes! She wasn't complaining about Taylor's chattiness...she said that she likes to hear the kids verbalize and use their language skills. Especially children like Taylor who have language delays. Monday night though, while we were reading, I realized that Tay does talk through an entire story. Guess we usually tune it out! So we did talk to her about when to be quiet and when it's okay to talk.
When I went to pick her up today, Mrs. Pollack told me that I need to clone this child. Funny, with all the hoops we've jumped through since her birth, cloning her has never come to mind! It was reported to me that she insisted on cleaning up the classroom. The whole classroom. Including dusting! And even though she wasn't on clean-up duty today, she relieved the little boy who was from his duties. Mrs. Pollack told her to save some of that energy for her bedroom. But quite honestly, their room is eternally picked up, since they got their bunk beds!
I was also informed that during puppet time, she asked the kids what type of puppets she was holding. Expecting the answers to be a puppy and a bear. Taylor raised her hand and answered with a Dalmation and a Grizzly! She joked that Taylor's done passed her lesson plan for the year, so they're moving her to Kindergarten! LOL.
She said she spells her name whenever one of the aides is going to write it. TAY. (The LOR can come later ;) ) AND she can count to 23, only leaving out 2 numbers. Who knew?!?! When we were in Target today, she was counting 1, 2, 17, 49, 6,8. So I would've never guessed she could sequence up to 23! She's a stinker!But she's my stinker and I'm very proud of her! 

Now I'm crying... 2 good reports in one week. Eathing and learning..yeah!!
I'm so proud of both the girls. What great progress reports!
Wow! Look at that little smarty pants. That's great!! GO TAY!!!!
And she was cleaning like mad-woman without Hayden? Wow that's huge!!
Way to go Taylor! I am glad that she is enjoying preschool. I wish I had a cleaner! I tried allowance for chores and Kadie told me she doesn't need money and doesn't need any new toys. Taylor needs to come over and play and teach Kadie a few things!
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