Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Washing Machines REALLY DO eat socks

I repeat, washing machines really do eat socks!

Since we cannot keep an even number of socks in any size, I decided to conduct an experiment. Call it Mommy with two kids at a school and no job to keep me busy in the day yet!

I went and bought the girls a new pack of socks each. I wrote their initials on each sock. (I have to do this anyway, now that they share a dresser, so that I don't mix which socks go in what drawer). I also put a colored dot on each set. I had 12 sets and 6 colors.
So, I did a load of laundry...a small load. Only the girls underwear and socks. From the washer...I stuffed everything into the dryer making sure I didn't drop anything.
And tonight, when I took my load out of the dryer and was folding....low and behold ONE SOCK is missing! The white sock with a purple dot. One. Gone.

So, the myth is true...the washer does eat socks. And now I must go back to separating socks into lingerie bags...AND quit accusing my girls of losing them!

1 comment:

mommie of three said...

Very interesting. Next time your that bored call me and I'll meet you at Pestos in 15 minutes. :)