A typical morning in our household usually starts around 8-ish, give or take a few! Tay's an early riser (well, those that know me real well know early is anything before 9a)! On average I hear her stirring around 7:30 but she doesn't really get going until about 8. Hayden on the other hand, can sleep like her Mommy....during the winter, that is. Now that it seems (note: SEEMS- because I won't open my eyes that early to check) to be getting lighter sooner, she's waking up earlier. And earlier, and earlier. In fact, she's surpassing Tay. Yesterday I came stumbling out of my room around 8:10 and there sat Hayden outside of Tay's room waiting, patiently for her to wake up. She had a couple of toys and even a bottle ready for little sister. I'm assuming she got the bottle out of the sink from the night prior...I know I didn't make 2 oz of day old formula that early in the morning!
2 years ago
What a good sister, she's so sweet!
Ok, that is so cute.
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