We had a very full, yet fun-filled Halloween this year! The day started with the Cox' annual Halloween party. The girls and I stopped by for about an hour, enough time to each some lunch! Most everyone participated by bringing a Halloween themed dish! I made mummy dogs, there were eye ball deviled eggs and a spiderweb cheesecake to name a few. The girls had a fun in just the short time we were there, but we had to get going quickly so we wouldn't miss Hayden's All Saints Parade and program. 
Hayden (who went as Princess Aurora aka Sleeping Beauty for Halloween) was St. Adelia. I don't have a picture of the parade, as I took video of it. But here are the kids in the sanctuary performing some songs 'When the Saints Go Marching In', 'This Little Light of Mine', and 'His Banner Over Me Says Love'. Before their parade, they went trick or treating in the offices at the Church. 

Hayden and Hannah C.
After the school party, we came home and the girls took a nap. They were both exhausted, and needed to rest up for some serious trick or treating! We went to the Bauman's neighborhood for a Chili, Cornbread and Block Party! The rule there is at that EVERYONE has to dress up. It was really fun! It's been years since Conal and I dressed up. So, this year Bonnie, her friend Julie and myself dressed up as goddesses. As we were out shopping during the week for our costume accessories, we decided to theme each one. I was a gothic goddess, Julie was a love goddess and Bonnie was an etherial goddess. We had so much fun personalizing our costumes and doing fun hair and makeup! Conal went as a cowboy. I know, real original. But he couldn't make up his mind all week, and the game time decision (suggested by Pam) since he has all the goods for it. Hayden and Tay had a blast trick or treating! They last for four full blocks. Tay's bag was so heavy that she couldn't carry it anymore! We told Hayden she couldn't eat any candy because she wouldn't eat dinner. So, halfway through the fourth block she started saying she was starving and needed some chili. LOL. So, we finished up and went back. She ate a big bowl of chili in turn for some candy!!

Tay's costume is so cute.
I love it! Your costumes were great.
Becca - I've never seen you looking prettier . . . .:)
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