Thursday, August 27, 2009

Fever Update

Still has a fever. Puked today. Not sure why, or if they're related. She puked once Sunday night. Who knows?

Went to have blood work read. No signs of infection. Which we already knew. High count of platelettes show that there is an inflammation somewhere. Determining where is like a needle in a hay stack. But it is very important that the source is located.
There is some noticeable bacteria around her tube in her right ear. So, we go to the ENT for possible extraction of that tomorrow. They will culture it. That is not the cause of this fever though, as there is no sign of bacterial infection. That is unrelated, but needs to be addressed.

We went back to the lab...that is her third blood-draw this week, in addition to her IV line. Needless to say, she's over "shots". (and I took her to the Disney Store to let her pick out ANYTHING that she wanted. Nothing like buying her happiness!) I digress. They're testing for a few new things...that could also help hone in on the inflammation. No reason to get into all they are and have been testing for, unless anything comes up positive.

I had an 'ah-ha' moment today while going through her files at home...reading her medical history looking for any clue as to what could be going on. After her intestinal surgery in 2006, her surgeon said that should she ever have a fever and/or vomiting for longer than 72 hours, to let somebody know that she had a surgical correction for malrotation and also has repositioning of her digestive/intestinal tract. That there was a possibility for inflammed scar tissue, build up, etc. And also, she has a hernia in her stomach...I wonder if that could be inflammed?
I focused on the stomach today while looking through her charts because for the first time in almost a week, she's complaining of pain/discomfort. Stomach aches.

What else have I learned in the last couple of days? There is No such thing as recurring Mystery Fever. That was my diagnosis! Although there is a disease where fevers happen with no explanation. They are genetic, as they're a result of a defective genetic marker, predominantly in mid-eastern decent. And are outgrown, often times. That make up doesn't really pertain to us, in my opinion.
So, they need to find the cause of these fevers. As Taylor put it so well today "My FAYVERRRRs not going away Mommy. I'm done Sick. Go away FAYVERRRR".

Here's a little-known fact. To service ALL of Arizona...there is only ONE team of Pediatric Infectious Disease Specialists. They don't have an office, and will only consult a patient in person if they are admitted to the hospital. Otherwise, they manage primarily in phone consults. Hence the reason the Dr wanted us to be admitted Tuesday night. Our insurance won't cover an admittance without due reason. A (almost) 106 fever is reason. She's down to mid-101's and those are not. Hmpf.


PCox said...

So glad you had your "ah-ha" moment. that totally makes sense to me.

Kristy said...

I agree...your "ah-ha" moment could help get to the root of her problem. I hope it helps her and they can get her feeling better very soon!