Conal and Bubba
finally got to go on their Reavis Ranch ride that they've been planning for so long. One road block after another have hampered their plans, and this past Memorial weekend seemed to be a great opportunity. Actually, opportunity doesn't seem to get much better. Weeks earlier they decided if it was too hot, too many bugs and just gross out, that they'd right in for one night and head out the next morning. When in turn they actually had some of the best weather of the season. It was cool and beautiful out. They still only stayed one night as they tried for a couple of hours to get a fire going and couldn't and it was downright cold at night.
All in all, they still had a wonderful time. Conal said it was one of the TOP 5 things he's
ever done (I'm sure 1-4 are meeting and marrying me, and having each of our girls!! ha ha). I'm really glad he got to experience that. He'll have that memory forever!

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