Friday, August 8, 2008

Adventures in potty training

We've been hitting potty training heads-on, pretty hard for about 3 weeks now. For the most part, Taylor is doing great! She does have an occasional slip up, and I put her in a diaper at night (although she's waking up dry most of the mornings). There are definately days where she just doesn't want to sit on the toilet...and I could leave her up there for 30 minutes and as soon as she's off, she pees. I've determined it's a battle of the wills. She's a child that loves to test us and see how far she can push the limits! She LOVES wearing her "mannies" and dislikes diapers very much. In fact, if she has a diaper on, she takes it off--regardless of what's inside <--- so Daddy, quit putting diapers on your baby...she may be your baby, but she's not a baby anymore!
PS...We've graduated from the "baby twolet" to the "big Tay twolet"!!

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