Wednesday, August 27, 2008

"play Jenna"

I love chronicling the tiny little sillinesses that encapsulate our days, even more so than the big, fun activities we do or adventures we go on. So, I cannot resist posting this!

On Friday night we were at Barro's for Cash's birthday party. After everyone had left we were still there with the Coxes and the Watsons just hanging out and letting the kids play for a little while longer. Jenna was sitting on the floor with Kadie and Taylor singing this song about jumping up and then sitting down and calling out their names. To be quite honest, I can't remember the tune or even all of the words. But, the girls were having so much fun and before long Cash and finally Cooper joined in!
Well, all week Taylor has been grabbing me by the hand, wherever I am in the house and pulling me into the living room to sit on the floor with her and "play Jenna"! She wants me to sing the song...I don't sing it right and she tries to correct me with saying "play Jenna, Jenna, BECCA!". That little bugger!
So, in the spirit of posting pictures with a story...


Watson Family said...

That is so funny! Kadie loves that song and I have to sing it every night. Sorry if I started something bad :-) I didn't have the words right at first either and Kadie would get mad at me. But here they are so you don't get into trouble:

Taylor, Taylor, jump up and down, jump up and down.

Taylor, Taylor jump up and down,
please sit down.

It will be stuck in your head forever once you start singing it!

Becca said...

Oh...gee...ummmm, thanks? LOL
Now it IS stuck in my mind, but T's a happy camper now that I know the words!