Friday, February 20, 2009

Rallying for our Right

The lines are hot and my email is inundated today with different advocates rallying support for DDD and DES. I've had email from parents and support groups as well as Taylor's therapists. Also, phone calls from several different people that my path has crossed with, as well. The State is trying to cut the budget for in home therapy and family support for those with children in the system. This affects so many children and families...including mine. I can't believe this, in addition to our education programs are on the chopping block in Arizona right now. It literally sickens me.
Please pray that they find the funds to continue to help families like mine, with a daughter who has Autism, and another daughter that has benefitted from services due to a Developmental Delay diagnosis.
If anyone cares to join me, Hayden and Taylor...we will be attending a rally on the front lawn of the State Capitol Friday at noon!

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