Friday, May 23, 2008

Preschool Program - Spring '08

The school year is winding down. Usually, school's out by now, but summer vacations are shortening. Seven weeks is all they get. Not sure if I'll like that or not, the verdict is still out. And if I don't end up liking it, ask me again when they're pre-teens! Well, who knows, summer break might only be 4 weeks by then!
Anyhow, Hayden's school had a program today. They know, I can't remember what they sang other then Zippity-Doo-Dah. Regardless, it was cute!

Manuel, Kaeleigh, Hayden, Shania, John, Michael, Hannah C., Hannah E., Jailon
(missing from program: boy Aaden, girl Ayden)

Running to hug her teachers when her name was announced


Meghan said...

How adorable! Hayden's growing up so fast, she looks like such a big girl with her new haircut.

Lori said...

Papa absolutely loved every minute of the program. Thanks for inviting him. It was just what he needed! The first thing I heard was "Hayden looked so cute" followed by "Papa's little girl is the cutest one in the class" :)