I started prepping for our trip last Sunday to leave two whole days later. You see, there's no such thing as throwing some clothes into a bag and hopping into the car when camping is involved. Not only do you have to grocery shop for every possible craving, meal and snack that might fall upon you, you have to pack up a kitchen, bathroom and bedroom. It's a lot of work. The weather in the Arizona high country in the summer is unpredictable and I'm an overpreparer (is that a word?), or some might say...A bit DRAMATIC and overreact to the possibility at a slight dip in temperature or increase in dewpoint! So...a lot of work, a nail biting roadtrip and a flat tire later.....I arrive, into the WOODS...NATURE...in all my glory, with my family, bound and determined to DISLIKE this week and never ever want (or have - with enough bitching) to do it again!
Bubba had his four day break in the middle of the week this week, and Conal was on vacation as well. We scrapped our plans to go to SoCal and enjoy the beach (ewww...GAS prices suck!), and we took them up on their invite to join them on a family campout near Big Lake. Big Lake is in the Apache National Forest a few miles past Sunrise Ski Resort. I love the White Mountains but I don't truly love the drive there. It is scenic and beautiful and I'd love to pull over and explore the Salt River Canyon, but I have a strong fear of heights (brought on within the last ten years). So getting through there quickly, safely and uninterrupted is key for me. I did it though and my dear, sweet husband praised me and congratulated me! (Crazy guy!)
We also drove through the Apache Reservation, which is beautiful, open land.
Upon arrival to the Big Lake area...the roads were closed and we learned that the road to the lake is closed for the next 3 years (boo-hoo the kids were looking forward to fishing). We then continued to follow another road for about 15 more minutes and found a Ranger. We pulled down this rough road and Bubba was getting some information from her on camping restrictions, acceptions, etc. Well as Conal stepped out he heard a "sssss" sound coming from my back driver tire. Yep, flat tire. Eureka! We found our camping spot...the land we will call home for the next 3 days.
The guys set up camp...tents and all....while the kids 'helped' them.
Upon arrival, it was 59 degrees. This overpacker was definately prepared and so glad I was overly-dramatic while packing for this adventure! There are campfire restrictions, so we knew going into this that there were NO CAMPFIRES...but we didn't expect it to be so cold! We huddled around one another, with blankets and a Coleman lantern willing it to throw off heat! However, the good news is we survived both nights!
We divvied up the meals and ate well! The kids (wink, wink) enjoyed junk food, notably Red Vines (thanks for the tub Memaw!) for breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner, snack and bedtime snack! 
We didn't have many rules...stay where we can hear you (sort of), make sure to bury your poop, and if Daddy shoots a squirrel, PLEASE don't pick it up! 
Hayden and Cooper explored the woods to great lengths and heights. Taylor was their shadow and was quite the scrapper. She'd cry out on occasion when she couldn't quite climb the rock they were up on, but she'd get over it quickly! Auntie taught them how to play Simon Says and Uncle Bubba taught us how to shoot a gun! 

We played some dominoes and horseshoes, napped, got a little rain, rode the quads and LAUGHED. Goodness, did we laugh! 
We had a GREAT trip. I had a GREAT trip. The girls LOVED camping...Conal's not quite the mountain man we all thought he was...and it felt great to spend time with the Coxes, like the good ol' days! 
Wow, that's camping! We camped all the time as kids, but never without 'facilities'. Looks like you had a lot of fun, I love red licorice :)
What fun and what great memories!
I don't think I can ever look at another piece of red licorice without thinking of this trip!! :D
Oh boy did we have some fun! So glad we got to venture out like this together, sister!! Thanks for the great time! We love you guys!!
Wow it looks like you guys had such a blast! I am glad you had so much fun since you were dredding it so much!
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