Unfortunately, the stomach flu was passed to Taylor who kindly shared it. Eww, the stomach flu. I thought Taylor was throwing up on Monday night because she may have gotten a hold of some milk. Negative. Wednesday night Conal came down with it and Thursday night Hayden. The icky, sticky, pukey, stinky, barfy, grody stomach flu. Eww.
Update 11/30: I ended up with the stomach flu too. Eww.
Friday, November 28, 2008
Eww....the stomach flu
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Pumpkin Pie Party
On this Thanksgiving Eve.....
They have NO IDEA how thankful I am for them today. Actually, they probably do. And, I'm thankful for them everyday, but today they helped me out more then they will ever know. Uh, actually, I think they know how much they're helping me out and that's why they offered to do what they're doing. Oh goodness, now I'm talking in circles!
Long story short, I have been sick for two weeks. I can't seem to shake it. It started with a kidney infection, then a cold and now some awful sore throat thing that won't even give me relief with Advil. I've been working beyond over time which culiminated on Saturday with a 14 hour shift and was up all night Monday with a pukey Taylor. I'm hosting Thanksgiving tomorrow and can barely tell which way is up.
When Pam called this morning to see if the girls and I wanted to join her and Jenna and their munchkins at Bounce Jungle, I told her that I just wasn't up to it. She was insistant on coming to get the girls and take them with her to give me a break and let them play. That phone conversation thrilled me beyond words. The thought of being able to get my work done this morning without interruptions and feeling like I'm neglecting the girls when we should be out having fun, was a huge relief to me. Finishing my priorities and taking a warm shower to try and relieve some pressure in my ears and pain in my throat, without two kids standing there hassling me sounds dreamy! I LOVE MY SISTER, she has perfect timing, always!
Just a bit ago, she called me with another plan they concocted! Jenna is watching Tay for me this afternoon for about 2 hours, but I hadn't planned to take her over until about 1:30. Well, Jenna decided that it was probably a good idea to take Tay home from lunch, as she was tired and she didn't want her to miss her nap or get woken up early from it. In the meantime, Pam was going to drive Hayden into Mesa for school.
I can't help but feel like I'm putting them out. But I keep telling myself they wouldn't offer if they didn't truly want to. I can't wait to be able to re-pay the favor for both of them. I appreciate it girls, so much. THANK YOU!
Now, I'm signing off to take a nap! Ahhhh.......
Monday, November 24, 2008
Thursdays with Jenna and Kadie
For the last couple of months, every Thursday, Jenna has been watching Taylor for us. I was looking everywhere for childcare for one afternoon a week, and the occasional drop-in, when she sent me a note telling me that she was able to do it since she was no longer working and home with Kadie all day. Oh my goodness, that was the answer to my prayers! We could not feel any better about her there, were she at one of our own family members homes.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Thank you, Ms. Dina
Today was the culmination of two years of Occupational Therapy for Taylor. She has been discharged from her therapy meeting all of her goals. Ms. Dina was her therapist the entire time. Ms. Dina grew to be an extension off of our family. I am going to miss Wednesday mornings at 10:00, and seeing Ms. Dina's van pull up in the front of the house. Not only did Taylor accel and achieve her goals, she really loved and trusted Ms. Dina. About a year ago, she started to help me with Hayden, giving me ideas, tricks and tips. We have a lot in common with our children with developmental issues, allergies and ailments. She's broadened my horizons a bit on sensory challenges, disabilities and alternative treatments. Every couple of months, she would leave her "tools" here (arts and craft projects, science experiments, blocks, lego-type thingys, etc) on purpose. She loved bringing those treats for the girls, utilizing them in therapy and then leaving them as an 'excuse' so they could practice!
Not only did she bring them more fun doo-dads, today, but she sent me a really nice email. Some tips and reminders, things to continue to do with Taylor and to help with Hayden. Hayden is currently undergoing her intake to qualify for services. In the meantime, Ms. Dina has been working with her on the sly. She will be Hayden's OT, so she is not done with our family. She's very excited to help us understand Hayden and help Hayden understand her life. In response to the letter she sent me, I sent her one back. I will also forward it on to her office. I'm sure they already know how amazing she is, but I want to make sure that they know her patients think so too.
Of course, I document everything, so I'd like to save this as a reminder.
Thank you Dina. You are such an amazing person, a gift. I felt a bit unprepared today, as you left. I 'knew' it was Taylor's last session, but completely forgot about it until the end. It never really dawned on me. I appreciate all you've done for her and for us. You've enlightened me on the differences that lie within ourselves. You've opened my mind to patience and tolerance and acceptance. I think I could've been blinded, a bit jaded and definately ignorant to all that Taylor struggled with when she was younger and all we're faced with, with Hayden. But you've encouraged me to educate myself and accept differences. I don't think I've come across anyone who has ever seemed to truly love their profession as you do. Your passion to help just amazes me. I value your opinions, your strength and your encouragement.
Pictures to be posted later.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Say Cheese!
What are three women to do with four kids for an entire day in Laughlin while waiting for the senior bus to arrive from California? Find a park and take PICTURES!! I've been waiting for these pics to come in from Pam, and boy, in my opinion, they were worth the wait! Pam gave them to me raw so I could edit them. Even though we have the same program, I like her editing better. I guess it's kinda how a sandwich always tastes better when someone else makes it!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008
I've been tagged....
My friend Krissy (We go waaay back! 1989, I think. Sanger CA, I know.) tagged me in her blog. So, I shall not disappoint, and keep the game going. I'm to answer 7 things that I love. First off, I'm not going to include my family, because that's a given! I don't know if these are my favorite things, but they are 7 things that I love!
1. Givenchy Pi (men's cologne)
2. watching Conal laugh...it's contagious!
3. Saturday's with nothing to do
4. Grilled Chicken Ziti from Pesto's (ziti w/ cream sauce, pesto and a dollop of marinara!)
5. experimenting with new recipes
6. my Buxom lipgloss
7. the beach and everything that comes with it!
Now, I have to pass it on. So, I tag: Amber, Kim and Kari...You're it!
Monday, November 10, 2008

Thursday, November 6, 2008
Goal, MET
On December 5th, 2006 Taylor started her first session of therapies to help her with her early diagnosis of developmental delays. She had physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech and feeding therapy and play therapy with an early interventionist. Four days a week, one of her therapists would come into our home to help her. Our goal...to get her caught up! Her doctors, therapists and Conal and I have always been optimistic that she would be just fine, once she did catch up. She had a really rough start to life which seemed to make simple things like sitting up, rolling over and walking a bit challenging for her.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
It's here, it's finally here.
Although it's only 3:51pm right now and the final temperature has not yet been recorded for today, I think it's safe to say that Fall is finally here. It's GORGEOUS out! It's around 77 degrees, sunny, crisp and beautiful. I'm sure the leaves won't change until about January, like they did last year. But I'm still thrilled to have a cool down. Summer's get so long being couped up between 4 walls and stale air conditioning. I have my house opened up, my ceiling fans on medium instead of high, and my mulled cider candle burning in the kitchen. I'm trying to make it feel like a real Autumn day. What could top it off? A nice warm soup cooking on the stove or a fragrant roast in the crockpot. Where is that dinner fairy?
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Current Mood - Concerned
As we sat glued to the tv tonight, annoyed that we've been inundated with politics for the last 21 months, we couldn't turn away from this historical election. For the first time in 10 years, both Conal and myself voted for the same candidate. To be quite honest, I was not thrilled with either candidate, and I had a really hard time making up my mind. But in the end, when I looked at the big picture, I seemed to be able to rest at ease more with the thought of Senator John McCain at the helm. I didn't realize how comfortable I was with my decision until I saw the possibility slip further and further away. At 8:45 Conal cashed in for the night and I was still glued to the tv, IM'ing with Bonnie, our aggravations and fears, for what our future might hold. We decided to get together, even though we were both in our pajamas, at her house and wallow in Senator McCain's concession speech with some red wine.
We have the same concerns, as I'm sure many, about 50% of American's have right now. We're concerned about the safety of our family, our finances. Our global rating with foreign countries, and the possiblities of what they could have in store for us. I'm a bit scared of his judgement and his limited experience, with only four years in policital office.
At this point, I have to accept our new President and hope that his socialist views don't make too drastic of an impact on our society. We have four years with him, and over these four years, I hope that those that did want a certiain change are happy with what they got. I do think it's amazing that we elected our first African American President. I'm proud of our Country for seeing no color, no barrier. I can't imagine what the amazing Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. would be saying right now. I'm excited to see this chapter of history be made, in my lifetime. I do, however, wish I felt more comfortable with Barack Obama's views and leftism.
POST SCRIPT: This is not to be an argumentative post. PLEASE, if you have a rebuttle, don't share it here. I am not a political maven. I do not welcome political discussion or arguments. I am chronicling my thoughts and feelings, as this is my journal. Thank you, The Management!
On this day....this historic day
On this day, this historic day, my darling lil Taycakes came and stood by my bedside this morning picking my nose. Not picking at my nose, or poking it. Picking it. And as I opened my eyes. My swollen, blurry, not wanting to be awake at 6:45am eyes, I see her finger dip right into her mouth. Under her tongue. She then looked at me questioningly and said "nuffin' Mommy". I didn't ask her a question. So did "nuffin' " mean she was doing nothing, or did "nuffin'" mean she got nothing out of my nose? Not sure I'll ever know the answer to that question. Not sure I would really want to know the answer to that question.
On this day, this historic day, Hayden turned on the bathtub and adjusted the water temperature all by herself. When I asked her what she was doing, she told me she needed to bathe to get the bed bugs off of her. Startled, I asked if she found new bites on her body. She is pretty covered in mosquito bites, and my sister and I were talking about bed bugs...so I figured she was eavesdropping and picked that up from us. "No mom, see?!" Apparently, she too, was up early this morning. Yet, my quiet little Hayden, who can entertain herself for hours chose to stay in her bedroom and draw beetles all over her legs.
On this day, this historic day, little Tay went into the cubhouse at Basha's all by herself for the first time. Not only was it a big deal that she was going by herself, it was an even bigger deal when my name was paged over the loudspeaker to come to the cubhouse. Taylor told Ms. Claudia (who by the way LOVES my girls) that she needed to go to the "tow-wet". YAY! We left the house at noon and this was 1:15. This is MONUMENTAL!
On this day, this historic day, I went to vote. Proud of the freedoms that our country has bestowed upon us. Our right to speak, and choose, to express and conquer. I went to vote. No line, no crowd. Me and my daughter expressing our rights, our choice for who we want to lead our country. In this critical time in our lives, with our economy, with wars raging and battles brewing, I took myself to a polling place to speak my voice.
On this day, this historic day, I look at my family with aggravation AND love. My house is a mess. Laundry is piled halfway to the ceiling on a wall in my bedroom. My kitchen counter is cluttered. Toys are strewn across the backyard. But we are healthy, we are happy. We are making our way together, we have each other. We will all clean it up later after we spend some time playing a game, each of the girls will get to pick one out. We are loved and we are blessed.
On this day, this historic day, I let go of my stresses and embraced my relievers. For a day, of course, tomorrow may be different!
While we were in Nevada, Conal and Bubba were on a 10 hour turn-around to Las Cruces, New Mexico on Sunday. Bubba had to haul some horses there to meet somebody who recently moved to Dallas. He worked a 24 hour shift at the station the day prior, getting off the morning that he left, so he needed someone to go with him and help him drive. I heard they had a fun, junk food filled, silly music, stinky good time :o) Boys...these two BFF's crack me up!! (and I had to add BFF just to get a rise out of Conal - although he'd never admit it, these two manly men are sooo like girls!)
Road Trip to see Great Grandpa

Saturday, November 1, 2008
"Happy Trick or Treating"