Monday, November 10, 2008


If somebody has seen this girl, please notify the authorities immediately! She has gone missing, from MY world, and I need her back! I am selfish, erratic and completely lost without her. Alright, LESS lost without her, she COMPLETES that feat for me :)
It's not odd that I haven't seen her in a week, but I haven't spoken to her in that long either. WHAT? You ask? Yes, we haven't talked in a week. She has been spending her time with her husband who works an off-beat schedule, cleaning the house --- like CLEANING the house, and spent a long weekend with an old friend that she only sees less than once a year.
I hope she's done having a life now (you know, because I have absolutely nothing to do -hahaha!) because I'm ready to have her back, please and thank you!


PCox said...

First, before I say anything else, I need to ask if there's a ransom cuz I could really use one right now.
Does this mean that you can't live without me and that I'm your every breath?
Ahhhhhhhhhhh I feel so loved!!!!

Get this.... I hadn't even turned my computer on since last Thursday and it was sooooooooooo nice. Call you in the mornin'.

Lis said...

Becca! Hey email me because my HUSBAND stole my computer and took it to Ohio! I dont have your email address! I have questions for you! Thanks!Melissa

Kristy said...

Thats such a pretty picture of Pam!