When we were in California for my Grandpa's funeral, we spent the majority of our time with family. Family that lives less than thirty minutes away, but we never see. Krystal and Nick are a lot of fun, and not to mention new parents. We met their eight month old son, Wyatt, for the first time on our trip. I feel a bit ashamed that we had to make a 600+ mile drive to meet him for the first time. I guess life gets in the way...but at least now we know what we were missing out on!
Right after our trip, I ran into them at my mom's house. We've been seeing a lot more of them lately! I did mention they are fun, right?! Well, they asked me if I would mind babysitting Wyatt for at least two, occasionally three days a week. I JUMPED at the chance!
I kid you not....this is THE BEST BABY I've ever seen! I've heard him cry ONCE...he always smiles and is, quite possibly, the happiest baby born to woman-kind! The girls and I are SMITTEN with Wyatt! We look forward to him coming bright and early on Monday and Wednesday's, and are sad when we see one of his parents pull up to pick him up.
He's so happy to be here. He follows Hayden and Tay around everywhere...or just cuddles with me! We love to play games with him and get him 'talking'! My girls fight over who's going to help feed him and who gets to sit by him in the car or at the table. It's hilarious!
He has the yummiest smile and eyes that sparkle like the sun! He seems so content while he's here...it was the first time they've really left him with anyone other than his Grandma's and he seems to have taken to us really well! I must admit...when we arrived at a softball game last Thursday and he was there...his face lit up when he saw me and it melted my heart! Krystal and Nick are very lucky to have such a delicious little baby boy! Seriously, with a face like this...how could you not be SMITTEN?!!

He has the most contagious smile and good disposition to go along with it. You can't help but just love him!
I love, love, love seeing him light up when he see's you and the girls! It makes me feel so at ease when I start to miss him. I know he has so much fun with you and I know he loves you too! Thank you so much, I don't think I could ever thank you and the girls enough for taking such great care of him.
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