Wednesday, June 3, 2009

swim suit season....meh

Ugh...the dreaded swim suit season. I hate those mothers, and you know who you are, so I'm talking to YOU! I hate those mothers that have a baby, gain 30 or 40 pounds and then in 10 weeks...or 4 months...or even 2 years, have their pre-baby body back!
I know it's my own fault that I am flabby, jiggly, saggy, thumpish, rumpish and round....but seriously. I, like my full bodied counterparts, want the magic pill! Dieting is exhausting and working out is boring! Or is it dieting is boring and working out is exhausting? Excuses, excuses, I know.

I digress!

It's my own fault that I get grumpy and irritable this time of year, when all social activities revolve around a pool, a grill, a lake, or a slip n slide!
I was not going to get into a swim suit until I lost the weight that I've gained since last Summer. Because you know, that was just not huge enough! However, I find I'm missing out on all the fun! You see...the chips and dips and Margaritas are out in the pool bar...and you cannot swim up to a pool bar in your jeans and maternity...uhh...oversized t-shirts! And who wants to miss out on munchies...that is what's gotten me to where I am today, and why would I want to let them down?

So I broke down and bought a swim suit. No fun, I tell ya, no fun! However, I took some of the sting out of it by ordering online. Fitting rooms and flourescent lights play hell on a woman's body image. It shipped in a week and is really cute. Thanks to the modest mormon's for inventing a suit that I can feel so-so in...I'm ever so grateful. Do it!!

Oh yah...they also have really cute shirts that fully cover our bellies so our muffin tops don't show. Damn low-rise pants. But I'll save that for a different rant in the Fall, when none of my current jeans are fitting me!

1 comment:

Krissy said...

You make me laugh. But the swim suit thing is so true! Trying them on isn't fun like it was back in HS. I love the modbe shirts, shade shirts, and all those other brands. I never feel like my butt is hanging out of my pants. I love that you can get them in little girl sizes too.