My girls are very close. Of course they have the usual tiff, usually over sharing, but they love each other deeply. I walked out of the kitchen the other morning to find them sitting on the porch together under blankets having Girl Talk. I listened in on them for a bit and they told me to leave. So I did, but came back with my camera! Of course, I left them alone and brought their breakfast out on the patio. There are times sisters need to talk without their mommy around, that was clearly one of them.
Friday, January 30, 2009
Girl Talk
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Ballerina Girl

Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Happy Birthday Dad!
Monday, January 26, 2009
A familiar stranger in the dark
I know it might sound creepy. Okay, not might. It is creepy. But I do this thing at night. Sometimes I'm wide awake and do it while I'm relaxing. Others, I really think I'm in some realm of sleep, and have no idea that I'm doing it, but he's seen me, with my eyes wide open.
I stare at Conal. He is a loud and wild sleeper. He's very restless other than worry about him, which I often do, I find it interesting. Annoying, but interesting. I can time, without even counting, when he's going to twitch or swing or flinch. So I stare. I watch. I hardly blink. There have been times when he's rolled over in the night and we come face to face. I've scared the living daylights out of him with my eyes wide open, meeting his! I don't know why I do what I do, but I do!
Last Thursday I was getting Hayden ready for school and she asked me why Daddy sleeps with his mouth open. Why he makes loud noises and breathes really hard. And why when he looked at her did he not say hi.
Creepy? Maybe. I found it funny. Him, not so much!
Big Wig
Hayden received a Hannah Montana dance kit for Christmas. I just finally opened it a couple of weekends ago and the biggest hit? The long, flowing, platinum blonde wig! Both of the girls had a blast playing with it for one day! Taylor wore it for hours and it had grass in it and humungous knots by the end of the day, so Conal tossed it. I think our little girl with the short, frizzy, matted hair and tight curley q's secretly dreams of being a Breck girl!
Sunday, January 25, 2009
It's the little things
Simple little things last week that made me so happy!
* Conal calling me on the way home from work on Friday to talk about his day, and him doing ALL the talking! Once he's home, we can hardly get a private conversation in, and he doesn't talk about work much.
* My MOM bringing me a free 2-liter Diet Dr. Pepper coupon
* Taylor kissing my butt as I walk by (don't ask, it's her eye level and she means nothing by it, but her grand gesture of affection)
* A random drop in visit from Tay's old PT who we haven't seen since June, just to see how the girls have grown!
* Hayden's excitement over her first school friend birthday invitation
* A phone call from Tay's old feeding therapist who we haven't seen or heard from in a year and a half
* Popcorn
* No bills in the mail
* Meeting up with Kristy to go to a movie, no dinner or dessert, just a movie. Not having to talk much, but she just 'knows'.
* Listening to my Taylor Swift cd over and over and over again!
* Not feeling the need to entertain the kids with anything other than homemade projects and games
* A friendly competition to see who can hold out on chocolate the longest (Shh...I lost, just 30 minutes into it. Don't tell Con. Dang those Butterfingers!) Hey, we all need a cheat sometime ;o)
* The smell of my $3 Vanilla Cupcake candle from Michaels. (I think that's what contributed to my need for sweets!)
* Bedtime stories and morning snuggles
Saturday, January 24, 2009
I live for little moments like that
I woke up this morning and snuck out of bed into Hayden's room. She was laying there very still, with her eyes open. She got the sweetest grin on her face. She told me that the Tooth Fairy came last night because she pulled another tooth, but she missed me, and I missed it. Then she smiled. Such a cute, innocent little smile. She rolled over and I rubbed her head for quite some time. We just layed together in silence, enjoying the warmth and comfort that we bring to one another. That warmed my soul. I live for little moments like that. It's hard to think that she was so small at once. I never could've pictured that she'd be so big, as she is now! To be able to crawl in bed with her, and lay in silence, or talk about the tooth fairy just reminds me to savor each moment.
Monday, January 19, 2009
My Bashas
Okay, so that's a little 'Schooner Tuna' Mr.Mom-ish, but that's how I picture it coming to fruition five years ago!
I love Bashas! As korny as it may sound. The commercial, where the florist so heartfully states "this is MY Bashas"(you know you can hear it in your head)....that's how I feel when I walk through the doors of MY Bashas!
The girls ask, on a pretty regular basis if we can go grocery shopping just because Basha's has "super funner toys than we have". And quite honestly, if it's a day that we're needing out of the house for a few, I oblige! Sick, huh?!
Now, the problem with Bashas is that their prices are a little high. I, the self proclaimed Frugal Frida, that's always searching for a bargain and shopping sales and discounts, can actually justify higher priced groceries to have thirty (or 50 ;o) ) minutes of uninterrupted, mindless, aisle roaming grocery shopping!
So Thank You, almighty Mother, woman who, after her kids were grown and well into college, went back to the corporate world searching for a supermarket chain that would listen to her pitch, her cry for peace and solace while grocery shopping. Now, should she be reading this...could you please talk them into installing margaritas on tap?!
Playing in the Park
Let's go play at the park! Even though we have a bunch of fun stuff in our own backyard, we like to go to the park as often as possible. Hayden loves to ride...? scoot...? move...?...I don't know, she loves to get her scooter going fast and furious on the expanse paths! And we did something a bit out of character for us. We went and bought Taylor her own scooter! She loves riding on Hayd's, but they fight terribly over turns. Since Hayden's scooter is hers, and it's something she's good and comfortable on, we decided to just go get Taylor one. Now I've got to come up with a different idea for her birthday present!

Sunday, January 18, 2009
Developmental and Educational Update. Both of the girls
I had a very coincidental (and hopefully fateful) phone meetup with a very nice woman named Pat on Wednesday. After being redirected, twice, around the CUSD, I made contact with the woman who was going to schedule Hayden's speech/language eval (it's time for a new one). By way of conversation after introducing myself with just my first and last name, she mistook my identity. Sort of. See, she has "another Marquette". After a few more questions that I threw her way, I asked her if her 'other Marquette' was named Taylor. Sure as heck it was. And I was meeting with her, a school psychologist and Taylor's support coordinator the next day (Thursday), for Taylor's transition conference. AND...instead of make me wait for Hayden's district pshychologist consult at the end of February, she did a little maneuvering and piggy-backed my appointments. What a break! I don't typically have that sort of luck!
After feeling like I caught a break, a good one at that, I went into a bit of a panic mode. I had about 26 hours, to get all of Hayden's paperwork ready. That doesn't sound too unreasonable since I'm highly organized with both of the girls files. But, I had to make copies of almost 300 pages of evaluations, her birth certificate and ss card, immunization sheet, my driver license and our recent utility bill. Yes, because it's the school district, we had to have two forms of documentation proving that we do indeed, live in the city. And, we had plans that evening and weren't going to be home until a bit later, so I did all of my gathering that night, and got the girls up and dressed, and put together fun packs for them to sit on the floor and behave at the store while I made copy after copy just a couple of hours before my meeting. forward to my conference on Thursday. Conal was unable to go with me, because it was initially just a conference for Taylor (which I do most of her stuff by myself). Since we're in the beginning stages and just learning about Hayden, he tries to attend this type of stuff with me. It was so last minute though, that he wasn't able take the day off.
I arrive to the meeting, which we're reviewing Tay first, with huge butterflies in my stomach, anxiety and nerves running wild. Taylor's conference went great. She will be using the district for her Speech Therapy beginning the week after her birthday and can attend their preschool until the end of the school year if I would like her to. And then, after a set of testing and evaluations, they will determine if she can just attend a speech session once a week or if she's still needing ongoing therapy, which would mean she would have to attend their preschool next Fall. I'm just going to roll with those motions right now, as I'm pretty confident she will be able to attend St. Tim's next Fall and just go weekly for her speech, since she's doing so well.
After that appointment concluded, Tay's support coordinator stayed with me so I didn't have to be alone for my meeting regarding Hayden. I didn't ask her too, but she thought the support would be nice. She's a single mom who has two sons, both with developmental issues, one mild and one severe, and she said that just the thought of always having someone to sit next to her makes her feel comforted and she wanted to do that for me. So nice.
As I pulled out Hayden's loads of paperwork the psychologist started interviewing me. She asked me questions that were very easy to answer. Questions that's responses are typical. Typical in the life of Hayden. But as we delved deeper into her psyche, her emotions and what seems to inspire her and what seems to frighten her; and what her average day is like, I started to cry. I can talk about her challenges, in a whole. But when I really think about them, and break them down, I can't seem to keep my composure. It didn't help that my emotions were on high alert that day anyhow. I cried numerous times through the morning, just knowing that what lied ahead of me that day was crucial. Crucial because Hayden still hasn't been accepted for services from DES, so, if the school district agrees with her diagnosis, and she meets their guidelines after they do their own evaluations, then she can recieve services through the school, at least.
So, as I'm crying, and apologizing profusely, the school psych. brings me a box of tissue and starts printing me up a slew of informational documentation about the different programs CUSD, in addition to other local organizations, offer to children and families with varying degrees of Autism. She reassured me that I'm not the first to fall apart. She sees it all the time. That this epidemic called Autism has stunned everyone, professionals, doctors, parents, teachers, everyone. As Pat, the head of the LEP program in Chandler explained to me the varying options for special education, the psych. continued going through Hayden's paperwork. As it turns out, they think she's a candidate for the LEP program in Chandler. It's a relatively newer program for children with higher functioning Autism and Aspergers. It stands for Learning Enrichment Program, and is a program that starts at the first grade. There are about 12 kids in the classes and it's only offered at select schools in the district. They're goal is to mainstream the child when they are ready and comfortable at a steady pace. They teach through the same curriculum and workbooks that the mainstream class does, but they dual teach; with social charts. That's a visionary chart that depicts the day and events in pictures. Which, as most of you know, is the best way we know how to help educate Hayden. So, as they're telling me about this program, I can't help but feel a little optimistic. I felt some excitement and saw a little hope. They asked me my biggest fears in sending Hayden to school. I addressed them as my first being large class sizes. I know that should she have a large class, she will get lost in the mix. And if we start her off lost, we are doing such a disservice to her. I said that I worry about her "getting it". Understanding what's going on. Like how to get to the bathroom and back without wandering here, there or everywhere. Or what to do at lunch time. Or interacting with kids on the playground and not sitting in the corner drawing in the sand by herself.
They said that the LEP class sounds ideal for her. They help address all of those issues. And also, help the high functioning child learn to feel comfortable with their disability and how to function on such a level that they might not seem as misfitted. She'll always have social struggles, as that's what Autism causes. But learning how to manage those is huge, for now and her whole life. Which is also what her doctors are so optimistic of. With the proper help and guidance, they're always telling us that they think she's going to overcome and mainstream herself into society really well.
So, she is not a shoe-in for this program. She has to test in. If she is accepted, she will start the first grade in July instead of kindergarten, due to her age. On her diagnosis, she scores (on their numerical scale) with moderate Autism, which typically will not get you in to be able to test for LEP. But because of the interview I had with them, and all of the other evaluations leading up to her diagnosis, they are going to test her and see where she rates. If she doesn't qualify, then she will either be mainstreamed or in a special education class (there was a name for it,but I can't remember). At at that point, I will figure out what plan I'm going with. I've been really conflicted on what to do with her for school in the Fall, so I've got a Plan A, B and C right now! <---in no particular order ;)
So, again, I feel optimistic and hopeful. If there is anything I've learned over the last few years it's not to get my hopes up. Not to take anybody's word for anything, and that I cannot control what I have no control over. I will not say I cannot worry about what I have no control over because that's just not possible.
I have been a massive mess of stress and angst lately trying to figure out Hayden's future. I feel like that clock is running down and I was no further last Tuesday than I was last September, or the one before. But Thursday, gave me a little ground. So this 'bumped up' appointment was just the boost of optimism, the glimmer of hope that I needed! Her first series of tests are on February 27.
Cardinals Spirit!
Friday, January 16, 2009
In the name of the Father, Son and porridge Spirit
Have I mentioned that Hayden says the sweetest, longest prayers known to mankind? Yes, longer than Bill Eidschun. Her prayers are like thankful stories. Thankful for all of the goings-ons in the world of Hayden. Mommy, Daddy, Taylor, Cooper and Cash. Our other family members come into play often, but we're the standards. She's always thankful for Ms. Monica at school and Chloe and Daphne. Mickey Mouse and the gang and for snacks too.
Blog Books
Okay, I'm throwing this out there because I need help! I was actually blogstalking last night, looking for layout ideas, and I came across a blog that was complaining of exactly what I have been this week. Jenna warned me, blurb doesn't seem to be compatible with blogger any longer. Well, on this blog, she said that since blurb didn't do it, she found another site and made some beautiful books. I read through her 9 comments, most of them asking where she did it, but she never responded.
Okay, okay, I know I'm TOTALLY outting myself as a blog stalker and it sounds a bit creepy! Truly, it's only on occasion, when I need inspiration! I am wanting a new look, so I was 'browsing around' ;)
Anyhow, my cry for help is....if you or anyone you know is publishing their blog, and no longer using blurb, please, PLEASE, send me the info! I know Pam and Jenna are trying to accomplish this not so easy feat as well!
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Guitar Hero and Machamawwows!
Last Saturday Andrew and Maggie came over for dinner (we missed Bonnie and Brady, he had the stomach flu). We kicked on the Guitar Hero for a bit and Maggie showed off her skills! She is quite the little guitar crooner! Every time I see her play, she just gets better and better! Of course, Tay was rockin' out on her guitar too! After strumming a few bars, we headed outside to make some s'mores (or machamawwows, as Tay calls 'em)! The girls had a really good, gooey, sugary time!
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
New Things We Learned At The Zoo
So, what did we learn?
There are two baby stingrays at the zoo. Yesterday was their first morning of temporary integration. They have to slowly introduce them to the others. Since stingrays dwell on the bottom, they tend unwittingly rest on top of the babies, which can suffocate them. Also, stingrays gills are on their tummy. Horseshoe crabs use their tail to help guide them if they're flipped over. And 6 foot nurse sharks spend most of their days sleeping along the bottom of a shallow ocean floor. And the girls want NOTHING to do with marine life!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Adventures in Lollipop Making!

Sugary greatness

They taste just like we remember!
where DID my baby go?
Last week, Hayden lost ANOTHER tooth! That makes 4 teeth in around the last three months. This tooth is front and center, right on top. She looks like such a big girl now. It's changed her look a bit. When I catch a glimpse, I'm still caught off guard by the hole in her mouth. It won't be there for long, as the big tooth is making it's way to the surface, we can see it right under the skin. I've got to enjoy this while I can...before long, she's gonna have Mickey Mouse teeth!
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Happy New Year and Taking a Quick Break!
I kicked 2008 in the butt as hard as I could, and said good bye without lookin' back! Welcome 2009, I'm so glad you're here!
This month, my hours at work have been temporarily (hopefully!) cut back by 10 hours a week. That gives me a bit more time to focus on my family (I've missed them over the Fall), and even more time to 'play' with my hobbies. My most favorite of which, is my blog! I started my blog as an online journal to keep our family, that's scattered about, up to date on US. The daily going's on's, doctor appointments and health updates, and pictures of our ever growing girls. It's also been an outlet for me. I talk (to myself and anyone who wants to listen) about the pleasures of raising a family, the challenges of being a work at home mom and of course...trying to please everyone! <---Okay maybe I never published those 'thoughts', but they're in there! It's a great place for me to reflect, laugh, cry and vent.
Over the last year, I've scaled back on my scrapbooking, opting to 'blurb' my blog at the end of one year. January 15th marks the first year anniversary of "Marquette4, fabulous chaos". And in celebration, I'm going to turn 2008 into a book. So, my spare time this month will be focused solely on getting that created, edited and published.
My updates this month will be a little sparce, but I will not go away completely. I CANNOT go away completely. This is a heck of a lot cheaper than a therapist ;o)
My mom called on Thursday night and asked if they could have the girls for a few hours on Saturday. OF COURSE! Who am I to turn down a childless day? I'm always looking for one! Conal initially had plans with his buddies to go quadding at Crown King, but his plans were postponed! So, we had a date. Dropped the kids off at 11:00a and picked them up at 5:00p.

After we were done with our lunch, we went and saw Four Christmases. We've been wanting to see it since it came out. It was HILARIOUS! One of the funniest movies we've seen in a couple of years! There were only about 6 people in the theater, and I think we were the only ones laughing. We had tears we were laughing so hard!

Saturday, January 3, 2009
Isn't there a better word?
I'm not too fond of resolutions. Who is? Do I know a soul who has actually resolved to make a change and actually kept with it? Please, step forward. Because I know, that is not me.
As a girl I thought resolutions were silly. Not that I really knew what they were. But every year you hear the same; lose weight, quit smoking, less swearing. So, year after year, decade after decade, and even nine years into a new millenium resolutions still come up December 31st and die down, not long after, I'm sure.
Here I sit at 32 years old on January 3rd, teasing myself with a resolution. I knew not to say that I'd start on January 1st. That's just silly. January 1st is a Thursday. Who makes a lifestyle change on a Thursday? So, I'll start January 5th. Yah, the 5th. It's a Monday, after the first weekend of the brand new year. That counts right? I mean, I didn't break a resolution if I haven't started it yet, even though those are supposed to begin on 1/1.
I need a CHANGE. Every year since Hayden was born, less the year I was preggers with Tay, I have sat in the middle of the repetitious Weight Watchers meeting with high aspirations to LOSE WEIGHT. In the back of my mind, although at the time the thought doesn't pass. But in the back of my mind, I know I'm going to lose a few pounds, start to look/feel better, get comfortable with that and fall off the wagon. Then, I will make excuses. The first excuses were that I was going to have another baby (eventually), so it's not absolutely necessary to lose weight. I would just gain it back, then be back in WW the following 1/1, so...why not wait until that time has come?
Fast forward to 1/1/07, well, I had a baby (9 months ago) and I lost my baby weight. I've put a few extra pounds on, but hey, who doesn't. I'll give it a try, but my body is never going to shrink back to pre-baby, so maybe this is my 'new normal'.
No joke, I can excuse myself with the best of them. But now, well, not just now....for several months I've been sick of myself. I've just been putting it off until a time when I thought it would be more realistic for me to succeed. I want to lose weight.
I can say I want to get healthy, but I don't really feel like I'm unhealthy. I want to LOSE WEIGHT. I don't want to be unrealistic, I don't have aspirations to shrink down to an unattainable number, but I want to lose weight. the hell do I stay motivated? I cannot blame anyone/thing but myself.
I have no desire to have any more children. I have no desire to purchase a bigger size jean. I have no desire to give up culinary greatness. See, that's my problem. I know, I just said I can't blame it on anyone/thing but myself...but I have this sick love affair with food. And healthy food sucks. It doesn't taste good and hardly looks pretty.
I love sauces and bread, cheeses and meats. How do I get beyond it. I don't want light, skim, fat free cheese. I haven't a clue how my system would handle the rejection of sugars and starches. Carbs are to Becca like cotton is to Q-Tips. And Diet Dr. Pepper. I know, I know....Soda is the devil. I hear it regularly. And I know that diet is no better than regular. But for real...give up soda? I love seltzer, but it has no caffeine. How...where...function...huh? I cannot function without caffiene. I've tried it. Over and over and over. Doesn't work.
So, will being pissed off with myself help? Will it put me over the edge and motivate me? Will the thought that someone else is soon to be gaining weight, and when she's done and takes hers off, and I want to look just as good as her, so I've gotta get a few month running start motivate me? Will the thought that I wanna be a hot mommy taking my kids to the park, rather than a flabby mommy, motivate me?
I dunno! I don't quite know what will do the trick. But I do know that I've got to give it a try, Again. If I succeed, I should be so proud. If I fail, I should be so mad, at only myself. And in the meantime, I've been gearing up for January 5th for the last 5 days. It's amazing my heart, and guts, haven't exploded with all I've eaten. I'm adapting to the five meal a day plan, I thought I needed to ease myself into it. Unfortunately, I actually said five SMALL meals a day! Oh dopey me!
And the list goes on....
It's not that my ONLY RESOLUTION is to lose weight. I figured, since I'm on a roll lately, I may as well try really, really hard to keep it up!
What roll? Well, it seems that the magical year of age 31 really thrust me into adult maturity. I, who never really seemed ON THE OUTSIDE to have a problem with confidence and sense of self, gained some. It's hard to believe, but I do believe that even the most confident of persons has self doubt, insecurites and a lost sense of worth. I, being a seemly confident, outgoing individual, have always battled that. Even more so once I moved to a state where I knew virtually nobody and was on my own to make my way, find my own friends and establish my own life.
I've been working on these. Some over the year, a couple over the last two or three months. It's amazing how great I feel. Here are my revelations:
People Pleasing. It's an instinct in my family. We are people pleasers, that's what we do. To others, to EACH other. We are very silly about that. We are so afraid of hurting each other's feelings, even if over the pettiest of requests, that we never say No. This year, I established the rule with my mom. If you don't want to (usually in regards to watching the kids) say No. And she has. I haven't gotten my feelings hurt. She's asked me to do things, like a Sunday dinner, when I've said No. And she didn't get her feelings hurt. I've learned we are not breakable, it's okay to say No, and nobody will be offended. If they are, they will have to get over it. Family, friends and employers alike. I think it's important to things with a willing heart. If you haven't one, opt out, and resume when you do!
So, in 2009, I would like to continue on my quest to not feel the need to have to please everyone. I need to remember that I am not letting the world down by saying No.
Detox. I have been distancing myself from what I call "toxicity". (I don't know if that's even a real word, but it's what I call it!) This kind of relates to the people pleaser. I feel like I've been the 'Yes Girl' long enough. Agreeing with things I don't really agree with, to save an argument. Not standing up for myself or my beliefs, for sake of confrontation. This year, I decided to make my voice heard. Not that I welcome an argument by any means. I fear confrontation worst of all. However, if need be, I will stand my ground and not be backed into a corner. I think it will show my daughters when they're older POLITELY be strong, stand up for what they believe in and don't cower for the sake getting along. In 2009, I hope to feel comfortable and confident with my life, my choices and my opinions.
Empathy. I feel I've always had a great sense of empathy for others. I am sensitive, and the longer that Conal and I are married, he is becoming more sensitive. I think it's a wonderful characteristic. We do not cry at the drop of a hat, not that type of sensitivity. But more of a sense of empathy. A sense of humanity, care for others, their feelings, situations and opinions. The definition for Empathy reads: Empathy is the 'capacity' to recognize or understand another's 'state of mind' or emotion. It is often characterized as the ability to "put oneself into another's shoes", or in some way experience the outlook or emotions of another being within oneself. We care about others, their feelings and reactions.
Don't Get Involved. My mom and sister gave me some wonderful advice not that long ago. Their advice was to let it go and get less involved. Hold my ground and protect my guard, but don't get 'caught up'. Mind to myself. Well, I really took that girl talk to heart and have followed that, and try very hard to remind myself of that each day, in other aspects of my life as well. I won't be sucked in to the negativity. And since I've adapted this mentality, it's amazing how free I feel. I was having such stress over things that I shouldn't have, that were not my fault nor my problem, but were thrown onto Me. In 2009, I am going to continue working on this, as it's some of the best advice I've received....maybe Ever!
In short, I've been decluttering my life. I've been working on it hard, and I find myself feeling successful. Which gives me motivation to stay on this task. I find my relationship with my husband thriving more than ever. I find my love for little simple things, far outweighing anything greater. I find myself comfortable with who I am, who I'm evolving into. I feel proud that I can lead my children by example and not have to be ashamed of how I treat others, or talk to them, or about them. That I can be a friend, a sister, a wife, a daughter, a daughter in law, a confidant. And live true to it.
This post, that I thought would be a couple of paragraphs, has come full circle. I started by saying it's my resolution. I've decided instead, it's my vow. I am vowing, not resolving (cuz you know, we break those!), to continue being myself. It feels good, I am not perfect and will slip up, but I will be okay with that. I will be happier to me and others for doing so.
EDIT later in the day on 1/4: After re-reading this...I guess I could've made a LONG vow short by saying...DON'T SWEAT THE SMALL STUFF! ;o)
Friday, January 2, 2009
Do you read the nieniedialogues? Well, if you do, or don't, you should! She is Stephanie Nielsen, the mother of 4, who with her husband, was critically injured in a plane crash in St. John's in August. He came home in early November and she left the hospital right before the new year, and is staying with a sister who can care for her for a bit. Inspiring!
Anyhooooo.....her house, which is here in the Valley, was featured as Cookie magazine's #1 Home of 2008. Check it out. She is so simple, creative and inspiring. And seriously, take five to read her blog once a week, you can get to know her in reminiscent posts. She will help you make lemonade from those sour lemons. You will just need to supply the sugar, of course!