Friday, January 2, 2009


Do you read the nieniedialogues? Well, if you do, or don't, you should! She is Stephanie Nielsen, the mother of 4, who with her husband, was critically injured in a plane crash in St. John's in August. He came home in early November and she left the hospital right before the new year, and is staying with a sister who can care for her for a bit. Inspiring!
Anyhooooo.....her house, which is here in the Valley, was featured as Cookie magazine's #1 Home of 2008. Check it out. She is so simple, creative and inspiring. And seriously, take five to read her blog once a week, you can get to know her in reminiscent posts. She will help you make lemonade from those sour lemons. You will just need to supply the sugar, of course!

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