Tuesday, January 13, 2009

where DID my baby go?

Last week, Hayden lost ANOTHER tooth! That makes 4 teeth in around the last three months. This tooth is front and center, right on top. She looks like such a big girl now. It's changed her look a bit. When I catch a glimpse, I'm still caught off guard by the hole in her mouth. It won't be there for long, as the big tooth is making it's way to the surface, we can see it right under the skin. I've got to enjoy this while I can...before long, she's gonna have Mickey Mouse teeth!


Lori said...

She looks soooo cute!

PCox said...

Ahhhhh Hayd!! She looks adorable!!!!!! I can't wait 'til she has a completely toothless smile!!!! I'm so glad she finally pulled that baby out. It was super gross just hanging on to her gums like it was. :)