About a month ago, or so...Heather made a comment to me that keeps replaying in my mind. She mentioned in conversation that I met all of my New Years resolutions. And I think I keep replaying that conversation searching for what she meant. I don't think I achieved my resolution. That was to lose weight. And that, I haven't done! (As I sit here typing with my cup of Jamocha Almond Fudge ice cream!)
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Mid-Year Vows
Clownin' Around

No June Gloom Here!
Sometimes they like each other!
Sunday, June 28, 2009
the Hoover Dam
On our way to Vegas, we crossed over the Hoover Dam. It looks really neat lit up at night. I have no pictures of that as my camera was on the wrong setting. We sailed right through on the way there. The return, however, was a different story. We were held up for over an hour. So...I took a bunch of random Dam pics!
Mommy's Weekend Off!
Last weekend, a couple of my girlfriends and I went to Vegas! It was a great, relaxing, low key weekend. YES!! You heard that right. Relaxing AND low key, in Vegas! You see, It's official! This one time party girl does not hang like the chicklets anymore! And believe me, I am HAPPY to pass the torch! Over the last year, I've learned that alcohol doesn't sit well with me.
Bonnie, Kerri and Kerri's sister Courtney and I found a smokin' deal on a room at Planet Hollywood. Split between the four of us, with lots of added bonuses...such as a bottle of 'you call it' each day, a gas credit and gambling credit...it was next to free! We loaded up Kerri's car and headed out on the weekend of all weekends. Bonnie packed a huge, hard sided suitcase full of booze and mixers and we took lots of poolside snacks! We even saw "Hangover" earlier in the week to get us even more amped...as if we needed that!
On Saturday, we enjoyed pool side buckets of beer, a nice lunch and I treated myself to 3...yes, THREE naps! It was heavenly. I told the girls before I went that they need to realize that I NEVER get to nap nor do I get to visit a pool without a least one kid hanging off of me at all moments...so if I'm in a zone, leave me, just write the room number down and I'll find my way back! lol
Saturday night we got dressed up and went to an easy dinner at the Cafe at Bellagio. On Sunday Kerri, Courtney and I went shopping, looking for souvenirs for the girls. We had a great pool side lunch at the Monte Carlo, and decided where we want to stay next time. FUN!!
I had so much fun. It was nice to have nobody to look after, other than myself. I came home rested and ready for a big week with the girls. I cannot remember EVER saying that about Vegas. So, I pass the torch to those young, crazy 20-somethings who don't mind waking up bloated and nauseaus and feel comfortable putting a little 'hair of the dog' when they wake up. Wash, Rinse, Repeat. I'm done! Owwww!!
Thursday, June 25, 2009
While we anxiously anticipate the arrival of little Miss, Jenna and I deemed it appropriate to throw an 'all things PINK' baby shower for Pam!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009
When we were in California for my Grandpa's funeral, we spent the majority of our time with family. Family that lives less than thirty minutes away, but we never see. Krystal and Nick are a lot of fun, and not to mention new parents. We met their eight month old son, Wyatt, for the first time on our trip. I feel a bit ashamed that we had to make a 600+ mile drive to meet him for the first time. I guess life gets in the way...but at least now we know what we were missing out on!

I survived camping...may I have a cookie please?
It's no secret how much I loathe camping. I cannot keep my feelings locked up. When the talk of pitching a tent in the woods, where coyotes and bears frequent and toilets don't; arise...I try my hardest to change the subject. Find alternatives. Offer my housesitting services. Look for a job. I really, really don't like camping, and I'll look for any excuse possible to get out of it.