Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Taylor Update

We went to the allergist on Monday. He started food experimentations with Taylor. Our first challenge is chicken. We've tried chicken before but we're starting out even slower then last time. She gets 1 tsp, 3 times a day for the first week...then 2 tsp the 2nd week and so on. At the end of four weeks, she will have worked up to 1 full serving. Next month we will try soy and the third month, turkey. If we see any negative reaction, she will need to come off the trial food for about four days and then we will start again. Progress is being made! Three days into it and she's doing well so far!

Her ENT surgery has also been scheduled. She will go in on May 15th at 5:30a with surgery at 7:30a. Will take about 1 1/2 hours from start to finish. She will be in the hospital for 24 hours and if no complications arise, she will get to go home.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Cousin's Coolin' Off

Hayden and Taylor's cousins Cooper, Cash, Morgan and Melissa enjoyed a day playing outside in our sprinkler and splash pad. Bill came over to finish up some work that he's done for us on our patio cover (thanks a ton!!!), and Pam's boys came over to play while she was getting her hair done! It was a lot of fun. I wasn't here too long with all of them (I went to get my hair done too!), but while I was here, they seemed to be having such a GREAT time! I remember one time, I think it was last summer, Morgan asking me where our pool was and then commenting that "everyone has a pool, Aunt Becca!". My mind drifts back to that once in awhile when the girls are just runnin' crazy through the water, it was so funny. I think she's gotten over the fact that we don't have a pool. It seems any time she's here in the summer, she has just as much fun going through the sprinklers! And I think you can tell by the pics....Melissa ran a close second!!

(Not pictured: Cash-not into water, and wouldn't let me get a picture of him "officiating" the festivities; Sleeping Beauty-aka Taylor)

Queue the Zoo

Last Thursday I decided that I was fed up with being couped up inside...fed up with work...fed up with feeling like I was ignoring the girls. So, with Conal's encouragement that morning, I took them to the zoo and blew off reality! We're running out of Spring days out here, so I've been bumming that I haven't been enjoying the last of the 80's. This 88 degree day made up for it!

We had a great time and Hayden did not expect to do something so fun that day! She has a ritual while she's eating her breakfast every morning. We review the day, date, year and time. She then follows up with "what are we doing at our house today Mommy"? Every day..... she is my creature of routine! Over the last 3 weeks I've responsed with a somber, " guys are playing and going to stay out of trouble while Mommy works". So, this was a fun change...and caught her by surprise!

We arrived around noon and stayed until about 3p. It was kinda crowded with school groups, but the nice thing about a membership is you're not required to see the WHOLE zoo each time...and you can do the more obscure things that aren't too popular when the elephants are too crowded! They wore their bathing suits and cover ups, as it's now summer here, and anywhere we go needs to, in some sense, revolve around water. At least in the mind of a four year old! So..we be-bopped around the zoo for about an hour and a half and they spent the rest of the time at the splash pad. We finished the day with sno-cones and a ride on the ever famous carousel! I really enjoyed my girls, I think that was one of the most fun days I've had with them in a long time!

Growing Girl

This girl is growing! Over the last few months, Hayden has been eating us out of the house. I have been having a hard time keeping up with the demands of her metabolism! A typical menu in the day of Hayden goes something like this:

2 to 3 waffles or 3 packets instant oatmeal
1 piece of fruit, usually banana
2 - 8oz cups of milk
1 hour later:
yogurt or granola bar

Lunch (2 hours later):
1 1/2 peanut butter and jelly sandwiches
jello or pudding

Afternoon Snack:
crackers and a piece of fruit

2 servings of a main dish
2 servings of veggies
salad w/ any pink salad dressing

After dinner snack:
I try to discourage this unless she's super starving again! Dry cereal (gets cut off of liquids by 7p), or a fruity something. Ice cream or cookies on the weekend!

So....after a day of eating like that, repeatedly, it's hard to imagine that she stays so thin. But she does! Those that know her well know that she takes off running as soon as she wakes up in the morning and she doesn't stop until she crashes at night (usually between 7:30 and 8p). Her metabolism is in high gear. We noticed her pudging up a bit and I figured she was packing it in getting ready for a growth spurt. Boy, was I right. She's growin' like a sprout! She is 45 inches tall and 44 pounds. Tall and skinny and you'd never know that she's still eating that much. But it amazes me that in just a little over 2 months, she's grown so much. I'm glad I didn't buy her too many summer clothes yet because she's outgrowing what I did get her in early March to start the season. Figures...never fails!


We sure are lucky...these girls LOVE each other! Of course, they have their 'moments'. Those usually include taking a toy away from one another, hogging the covers when they're watching a movie or stealing the others' toothbrush. Other then that, they are both kind, loving and truly genuine to one another.

Pam captured this photo of them last month. Even though Taylor looks as if she's scowling, she's not. That's kind of her 'look' when taking a picture. I just love it!
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Wednesday, April 23, 2008

EE's in remission!!!

We received Taylor's biopsy results today from her EGD and I was excited to tears. I'm sure that sounds dramatic, but seriously, the last two years of eating challenges, failure to thrive, medications, throw ups, rashes, etc have been a big bummer--at the very least!

Her doctor was thrilled to report to me that Taylor is completely 100% healed internally. From her esophogus all the way to the top of her small intestine. The results yielded not a single sign of EE nor reflux nor irritations from food allergies. Healed, doesn't mean she won't ever be bothered with it again. Although, she's so young that he's optimistic that keeping her totally away from those foods for the first two years really gave her a great jump on that and she might never see flare ups. Time will tell.....but we're going with healed ;)

So, what does this mean? This means that the foods she's been eating (veggies, rice, beans, fruit and potatoes) are not harming her. This means that her allergist can start food experiments with her. They will introduce one new food every ten days, like you do with a baby. Taylor's allergies are questionable. She has a 'true' allergy to dairy. She had positive skin tests and negative blood tests to wheat, soy, eggs, berries, tree nuts, peanuts, meat proteins. So...they will probably do another set of both tests and see how they turn out. It's possible she's outgrown them, and also a lot of times w/ positive skin but negative blood that is a reaction caused by the EE. EE makes your system react strangely to most the simple staples that we take for granted.

We will see the allergist on Monday and the GI is turning all of the food experimentations over to him now. They do not have to confer on that anymore. He said if she was thriving and gaining weight he would start weining her off her medications as well. But since she's not, he's going to keep her on them for awhile longer. However, since her REFLUX is also HEALED (that's right, that's healed too), she really doesn't need them. Her thyroid is in good shape and the other enzymes that could possibly cause a failure to thrive are all good counts.

So the next question he asked me was have I had her tonsils checked. I told him about her surgery next month and he was thrilled to hear that. He said she has "abnormally large tonsils". Which, verbatim, is what the ENT said last week. And they both told me that a lot of times if there are not GI problems causing weight gain issues that it could be caused by tonsils. Glad those babies are comin' out! The ENT didn't want me to "bank on that" because of all her other issues. Although now that those seem to be summing up, maybe that really could be the reason?

Needless to say, we go to the allergist on Monday and I can't wait to hear what he has to say about her trying new foods. We go back to the GI in June, after her surgery. If she's gaining weight, he's going to get her off her meds! all our crapiness lately, things really are starting to look up. My Dad looks GREAT...I'm ALMOST done with this "damn database" (which I've affectionately named it) and Taylor is on the road to expanding her pallette!

Exhaling in progress.....

Monday, April 21, 2008

Back to 'Normal'?

My dad came home from the hospital yesterday. After getting his hopes shot down at the Nth hour on Saturday, he had no hopes for going home until he was being wheeled out that door. The girls and I went up to visit him in the morning. We left his room about 10:15. I spoke to my mom at 11:00 and she was heading out the door to get him. He's relieved to go home. 12 days in a hospital is a long time. His room was dull and drab and that doesn't help. Although there were some pretty flower bouquets and gift baskets from friends of theirs and Pam's! It's just nice to know that he's now resting at home!

My boss comes back to work tomorrow. YAY!! I will then drop back to my normal hours (20-ish..give or take a few. Usually give...) and continue to help out with event add another 15/week. BUT...that's so much better then these last two weeks and more of what we're used to! I can't complain, I love my job, it's just been overwhelming on top of 'real life' these last two weeks!

Last night, Brothers and Sisters came back on TV...I helped with the kids' bedtime routine, ate a piece of pie and fell asleep on the couch. Now that's more like it! I will start back up with Weight Watchers today, do some laundry, mop the floor and work in between. I figure I will 'maintain' the company, but unless there's anything pressing, she can pick it up tomorrow :)

So....seems like things might be getting back to normal. Conal has said a few times over the last few days that he's missing our routine. We're all outta whack and hopefully, today that can re-set!

Friday, April 18, 2008

Oh Minnie

I know, I know....I'm such a pushover. Conal and I love spoiling the kids. Then, in the same breath, we get mad at ourselves for spoiling them because they will do something that doesn't warrant such kind gestures.

However, we never seem to learn our lesson. Whether big or small, usually small, we can't control ourselves.
Hayden is a big Disney freak (that's where Tay gets it). She's into Disney plush toys. She has Mickey, Goofy, Donald, Pluto and Daisy. She has a Minnie, but it's kind of a generic, really fuzzy one. She calls her "funny lookin' Minnie".
Okay, so San Tan Village now has a Disney store. We went to the mall a couple of different times over a one week period. Our trip is now, what is becoming a tradition, capped off with a visit to the Disney store. The girls (both of them) know not to ask for a single thing. Asking for a toy means that we will leave on the spot. And I do hold firm to that. Well, the second we walk into the store they head over to the plush toys display. Hayden picks up a Minnie and carries it around the store with us. She talks to her and kisses her when we leave. Yet, she's never asked for it. Not once. Instead, when we get in the car, she tells me how she's going to ask Santa for it, or maybe ask for her birthday.
When I was shopping for Tay's Nemo plush for her birthday, I decided to get Hayden a Minnie. It was a 2 for $20 deal that I couldn't pass up. Basically, only $6 more for the second, a bargain!! I kept it in a bag for a week with intentions of giving it to her before we go on our Disneyland trip.
I caved...I gave it to her after Taylor opened her Nemo last week. She was a such a good girl that day, and a great helper at home and school and I just wanted to give her a special treat. She was quite thrilled...and completely surprised.

What the heck?

So this is just a quick update to my crazy two weeks rant found at the bottom of my Day Four post. On top of all things going nutty this week. Hayden was staying the night at my sister's on Thursday night so Pam could watch her while Taylor went in for her endoscopy this morning. She wasn't feeling well and shortly before midnight she started throwing up. ICK...and...poor Hayden!

So at midnight last night, I hauled my butt out to Queen Creek (an hour round trip) to go get Hayden. She had a rough night and we got about two hours sleep.

Calgon.....rather Camelback.....Take me away!!!

Cautiously Optimistic

Taylor had her fourth endoscopy today. Keep your fingers crossed. We're cautiously optimistic that her esophagus has healed. You're not ever 'cured' of EE, however, it can actually go into what they call remission. Bouts of flare ups can be triggered by the slightest, allergens/toxins in the air or pH level change in ones system.

Needless to say, her GI said that to the naked eye, under scope today, it looks like her esophagus has healed. He doesn't want us to get our hopes up, as it won't be confirmed until her biopsy results are in. But he's got a good feeling about it.

What does that mean? It means that any of the foods she's eating are not causing her problems. Her body is tolerating her fruits, veggies, berries, potatoes,beans and rice products. It doesn't mean that we can add new food yet, but there's a chance we might get to! Stay tuned...

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Day Four

Today was a better day for my Dad. Not a great one, but better. It seems that the nurses lacadaisacal attitude about him not being on pain meds Wednesday has set him back a bit. The cardiologist explained that he needs his dosages of medication in order to progress and heal as needed - no kidding, we all know that, shouldn't the nurse? I feel so bad for him. He was so sick and mad and down yesterday.

Today his cardiologist told him he will not come home before the weekend. Unfortunately, that minor setback set the tone for that. It's best he's there, being taken care of (if they can remember to give him his meds). I'm sure he's anxious to be out of a hospital. He's been in for 10 days.

I talked to him on the phone this morning and he said that yesterday really made him realize that this is going to be a slow process, healing. I'm glad he realized that. I don't want him to get impatient and slow himself down. I'm really optimistic that he won't. It's his nature to rush...but I think he's going to listen to his body and let nature take it's course.

I haven't seen him since Tuesday and I really miss him. I'm going to see if I can try and squeeze in a visit on Friday between Taylor's procedure and my site visit for a big event on Saturday. It's the peak season at work right now and my boss is clear across the country. I've been at the helm of her company since last Thursday. I'm helping keep her company on track working at my computer from early morning until midnight all week. I'm doing my recruiting job for both of our companies holding interviews and an Orientation, and I'm working event service as well. And we all know that I'm not a 'worker'!! :) Needless to say, it's been a stressful taxes were rejected by the IRS on 4/15 at 9:15pm, more then 3 days after I filed them, due to a mistake in Taylor's social security number (that I got off my *professionally done* taxes from last year-scary!), my truck has been in the shop most of the week and I've had a battle with our health insurance company and a hospital that went around in circles for a day and a half. Those are only the 'major' things challenging me this week.

I work this weekend, some long crazy hours. I cannot wait until Wednesday. I'm hopeful my Dad will be resting at home, I will have my truck back, and my boss will be back in town. I'm ready to exhale...I'm getting exhausted holding my breath!

Taylor's (actual) Birthday

For obvious reasons, I'm really behind on my posting. I wanted to post pictures from Taylor's actual birthday last Wednesday. It was a great day. Hayden and I woke her up singing "Happy Birthday" to her. She had her favorite blueberry waffles with two candles in them and then we were off to Pump It Up! I wanted to make her birthday a special one even though she had her party three days prior. Pam took Cooper out of school early and they met us there for some crazy fun!

After we parted ways, the girls and I picked up some lunch and had a picnic in the park next to Hayden's school while waiting for class time. We dropped Hayden off and came home so Taylor could take a nap. Memaw met us at Serrano's for dinner with a huge Minnie Mouse balloon! Taylor had her favorite dinner...beans, rice and corn tortillas. After that we capped off the day with a visit to Papa's hospital room. It lit up his day and I think it totally completed Taylor's. He had some 'Get Well' balloons that he sent home with us and the girls were on birthday celebration overload!

When we got home, we let Taylor open a little gift we got for her before it was off to bed. She was given her big playhouse the week before her birthday but we wanted her to have something to open that day. What a full, wonderful day of fun and love!

Tay's Turn

Everyone who knows the Winnett's KNOWS how competitive we are. So, it should come as no surprise that since Papa had of the others in the Winnett brood would have to have surgery!
Tay's going to get tubes in her ears, her adnoids out, and her tonsils out.
Papa still has her beat...he takes the prize. But she couldn't let him get all the attention!

Day Three

Day three was not so good. He was really sick. My first thought was he was not eating, so pain meds on an empty stomach doesn't mesh well. WRONG! Empty stomach was right...pain meds, absent.

Apparently, in the first bad experience he's had at this hospital so far, he wasn't getting his pain medication yesterday. His patch fell out and 3 different nurses tried to find a vein and couldn't. So they called in a special tech that searches for veins via ultrasound. He didn't answer his page until after the fifth one.

Needless to say, Dad suffered and was pissed. He was so sick, tired and in such pain and he was not a priority. It seems his cardiologist got onto the nurses as well....why couldn't they think of an alternate type of pain management to give him while waiting for the ultrasound tech? Poor guy...he doesn't get to take the strongest of pain meds anyway, and to give him none altogether...that's ridculous.

I hope Thursday brings a better day for him. He called my aunt this morning, that's a sign to me that he feels better then yesterday. It's a beautiful day out, the temp is supposed to have dropped to the low 80's. It's breezy and sunny....a fresh new day is just what we all need.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Just a quick reminder, I keep this blog as a personal journal and at the end of the year I am going to turn it into a book. That is why I post with the good, the bad and the ugly! These are the moments that turn days into weeks, months and years. Becoming's Our Story.

Day Two

He's "exceeding expectations". That's what the hospital staff told us last night, just a few hours after surgery. And when I think of that phrase, it scares me. He's an over achiever..determined to do his best and be the best at whatever the task at hand is.

I've been wanting to see him all day, so when we got home from work and our appointments this afternoon we went up for a quick visit. He looks good. Tired, but good. His coloring is great and it's nice to see all of the tubes removed. For the first time in a week, he's not hooked up to a single machine or IV. He's on a medication patch. He said he feels beat up, like he's been hit by a truck. His shoulders and his back are especially sore from the procedure. But, the fighter that he is, he's powering through slowly and steadily and he's ahead of the curve. I don't think he's forcing himself or pushing himself, it's just the way his body and mind work.

Yesterday the nurses told us the surgery would take around four hours, and he was out in about two and a half hours. They said he would probably come off the ventilator sometime later that night or the next morning, he was off of it four hours after surgery. They expected 24 to 48 hours in the ICU and by 11:30 this morning, he was headed out of there.

We're cautiously optimistic that he's on such a great track. I even thought to myself today, don't set unreal expectations as there are bound to be set backs. And lo and behold when we visited him tonight he said that his cardiologist told him the same thing. That he will probably hit a wall, may get depressed, but to forge through. It was good to hear that, and I'm glad his doctor prepared him for that so that he doesn't get so bummed and stunted and wonder why. Thinking he's failing is not what we want.

He will probably get to come home on Friday barring no complications. I want him to get as much rest as he can. I want him to take his time and not be in a hurry. I really think he'll follow that rule. We're all just so joyful that this was caught and treated before something catastrophic may have happened.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Life to the fullest

It's the thought of drudging through the great unknown. You know it's common. You know it's something that's done every day, in some place, to some one. In fact, six thousand times in 2007 where he's resting right now. However when it's your Dad, your Daddy, none of that seems to matter.
I don't think I'm quite surprised and honestly, I'm not scared. But to see half of the pair whose protected me, nurtured me, consoled me throughout my life be scared breaks my heart. It's a helpless feeling. A hollow feeling. A loss of control, I can't protect him. Maybe it's the mother in me? The feeling where you are always there to wipe the tears, rub the back or kiss the boo-boo. And that one time that your baby hurts so bad and you weren't there makes you ache. From your fingers to deep in your soul.
I ache for him. I just want tomorrow to come and go. So he can start to heal. So he can start to laugh. So he can start to live. In a way he hasn't lived in a long time. I think he's going to notice how bad he was feeling without even knowing it. He says he's felt good, but I know it's going to awaken his senses.
In true fashion, he's worried about my mom, he's worried about my sister and I seeing him with tubes connected to him, he's worried about his grandbabies. He's a giver...he's generous and kind. He's protective and the greatest joy in his life is taking care of his family. And through all of his nerves....all of his anxiety....all of his angst, he's worried about us. That's who he is, that's what he does.
So, tomorrow is going to be a big day. A heavy day, a long day. But it's going to be the start of a great day. He might not realize it tomorrow, or Tuesday or next week even. But it's going to kick off 52 more years of to the fullest.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008


Two years ago today, Taylor Lorae graced our family with her presence at 11:27pm. For nine months I really couldn't grasp the idea of having enough love for a second child. I was proven wrong, instantly. I still haven't quite figured out if my heart grew when she was born, or if that magical moment gave me a second heart.

Taylor has such an inner beauty at her young age. She's wise, she's intuitive, inquisitive, curious, creative, strong-willed and tender. Taylor's got a great sense of humor, and I think she's an old soul.

Here are a few of her favorite things:

TV Shows: Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and JoJo's Circus
Characters: ANYTHING Disney - Tinkerbell, Minnie Mouse, Goofy, the Princesses; Barbie Dolls that sing, like Sharpay, Gabriella and Ariel
Activities: Smelling the "wohwies" (flowers), Playing with the puppies, Dancing and singing (she actually has rhythm!), Playing outside, Playing oustide, Playing outside!, Cruising in her swing, Going for walks, Blowing bubbles - especially on windy days, picking up rocks and licking them - yum!, Coloring, Puzzles and Beading and playing dress up
Songs: Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Hot Dog, Bop to the Top, Happy Birthday to You, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Low (by Flo-Rida)
Food: Fruit, Veggies, Beans, Tortilla Chips, Lollipops and Red Vines

**Tay loves to wear dresses and accessorize. She loves bracelets, necklaces and having her nails painted. She loves to wear chapstick and is always wanting Mommy to put eyeshadow on her. She's a very girlie girl! She looks up to her big sister Hayden. She copies everything Hayden does. I have to buy in pairs....that includes same colors and styles (of whatever it may be), because she notices a difference and wants to be just like her big sister!

A few of her not so favorite things:

Taylor is still not keen on riding in a car. She's not a fan of sleeping in either. She could totally pass on trips to the mall or public places where there are just too many people. Too many being more then 10! And of course, she's definately not into doctors appointments. I think she's over being 'scoped' too!

Taylor weighs 20.4 pounds and stands 34 inches tall. She has beaming blue eyes and long eyelashes. Her beauty shines inside and out. Happy Birthday Tay!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Taylor's 2nd Birthday Party

What a beautiful Sunday....a great day for a 2nd birthday party! We couldn't have asked for better weather, and Tumbleweed Park seemed to be a hit with the kids! I enjoyed it for selfish reasons...I didn't have to clean my house to have guests over, and I didn't have to clean it again after they left! Needless to say Taylor seemed to have a WONDERFUL time! She enjoyed playing, eating and opening presents. Actually, I was quite surprised to see how much she was into opening presents. At 2 years old, you never know what you're going to get. She really loved each gift and her expressions were so fun as she opened each package! She seemed to have quite a Disney birthday. At this stage in her life, she's very, very into Disney. Anything Disney...Minnie, Tinkerbell, Einsteins, the Princesses. And goodness, her guests seemed to not disappoint on that end!

Thank you for making her day so special. She's been napping for over two hours now, and I still don't hear signs of life coming from her room. I'd say it was a huge success!

Cousins - Cash, Cooper, Hayden, Morgan, Melissa

Taylor's friend Kadie and Taylor

Birthday Party Eve

Hayden helped me bake in the kitchen all day on Saturday making cupcakes for Taylor's birthday party. Our final challenge was to make an allergen free cake for Taylor to eat. Taylor got to enjoy her first cake batter beaters, ever! Boy, was she loving life!

Cash and Conal

We got to babysit Cash on Friday night while Pam and Coop went to a Suns game. Pam was a bit worried that Cash would be upset all night. Let me tell you....he was a little upset when she first left but in less then five minutes, he quit crying and was having a blast with the girls. My camera was charging so I didn't get any pictures of them outside, but I did get pictures of Cash with his buddy, Uncle Conal. Let me just say...that kid could care less if I'm in the room. He was Conal's shadow. They had so much fun together, playing, reading and snuggling!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Taylor's 1st Haircut

Taylor got her first haircut today! At first she was a little leary of the situation, but I stuck a lollipop in her mouth and she was good to go. It probably helped that Hayden was getting hers cut in the next booth.